Flecs v4.0
A fast entity component system (ECS) for C & C++
No Matches

Simple HTTP server used for serving up REST API. More...

Collaboration diagram for Http:


struct  ecs_http_connection_t
 A connection manages communication with the remote host. More...
struct  ecs_http_key_value_t
 Helper type used for headers & URL query parameters. More...
struct  ecs_http_request_t
 An HTTP request. More...
struct  ecs_http_reply_t
 An HTTP reply. More...
struct  ecs_http_server_desc_t
 Used with ecs_http_server_init(). More...


#define FLECS_HTTP_H
 Maximum number of headers in request.
 Maximum number of query parameters in request.
#define ECS_HTTP_REPLY_INIT    (ecs_http_reply_t){200, ECS_STRBUF_INIT, "OK", "application/json", ECS_STRBUF_INIT}


typedef struct ecs_http_server_t ecs_http_server_t
 HTTP server.
typedef bool(* ecs_http_reply_action_t) (const ecs_http_request_t *request, ecs_http_reply_t *reply, void *ctx)
 Request callback.


enum  ecs_http_method_t {
  EcsHttpGet , EcsHttpPost , EcsHttpPut , EcsHttpDelete ,
  EcsHttpOptions , EcsHttpMethodUnsupported
 Supported request methods. More...


FLECS_API ecs_http_server_tecs_http_server_init (const ecs_http_server_desc_t *desc)
 Create server.
FLECS_API void ecs_http_server_fini (ecs_http_server_t *server)
 Destroy server.
FLECS_API int ecs_http_server_start (ecs_http_server_t *server)
 Start server.
FLECS_API void ecs_http_server_dequeue (ecs_http_server_t *server, ecs_ftime_t delta_time)
 Process server requests.
FLECS_API void ecs_http_server_stop (ecs_http_server_t *server)
 Stop server.
FLECS_API int ecs_http_server_http_request (ecs_http_server_t *srv, const char *req, ecs_size_t len, ecs_http_reply_t *reply_out)
 Emulate a request.
FLECS_API int ecs_http_server_request (ecs_http_server_t *srv, const char *method, const char *req, const char *body, ecs_http_reply_t *reply_out)
 Convenience wrapper around ecs_http_server_http_request().
FLECS_API void * ecs_http_server_ctx (ecs_http_server_t *srv)
 Get context provided in ecs_http_server_desc_t.
FLECS_API const char * ecs_http_get_header (const ecs_http_request_t *req, const char *name)
 Find header in request.
FLECS_API const char * ecs_http_get_param (const ecs_http_request_t *req, const char *name)
 Find query parameter in request.


int64_t ecs_http_request_received_count
 Total number of HTTP requests received.
int64_t ecs_http_request_invalid_count
 Total number of invalid HTTP requests.
int64_t ecs_http_request_handled_ok_count
 Total number of successful HTTP requests.
int64_t ecs_http_request_handled_error_count
 Total number of HTTP requests with errors.
int64_t ecs_http_request_not_handled_count
 Total number of HTTP requests with an unknown endpoint.
int64_t ecs_http_request_preflight_count
 Total number of preflight HTTP requests received.
int64_t ecs_http_send_ok_count
 Total number of HTTP replies successfully sent.
int64_t ecs_http_send_error_count
 Total number of HTTP replies that failed to send.
int64_t ecs_http_busy_count
 Total number of HTTP busy replies.

Detailed Description

Simple HTTP server used for serving up REST API.

Macro Definition Documentation



Maximum number of headers in request.

Definition at line 38 of file http.h.



Maximum number of query parameters in request.

Definition at line 41 of file http.h.


#define ECS_HTTP_REPLY_INIT    (ecs_http_reply_t){200, ECS_STRBUF_INIT, "OK", "application/json", ECS_STRBUF_INIT}

Definition at line 99 of file http.h.


#define FLECS_HTTP_H

Definition at line 35 of file http.h.

Typedef Documentation

◆ ecs_http_reply_action_t

typedef bool(* ecs_http_reply_action_t) (const ecs_http_request_t *request, ecs_http_reply_t *reply, void *ctx)

Request callback.

Invoked for each valid request. The function should populate the reply and return true. When the function returns false, the server will reply with a 404 (Not found) code.

Definition at line 117 of file http.h.

◆ ecs_http_server_t

HTTP server.

Definition at line 48 of file http.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ ecs_http_method_t

Supported request methods.

Definition at line 66 of file http.h.

Function Documentation

◆ ecs_http_get_header()

FLECS_API const char * ecs_http_get_header ( const ecs_http_request_t * req,
const char * name )

Find header in request.

reqThe request.
namename of the header to find
The header value, or NULL if not found.

◆ ecs_http_get_param()

FLECS_API const char * ecs_http_get_param ( const ecs_http_request_t * req,
const char * name )

Find query parameter in request.

reqThe request.
nameThe parameter name.
The decoded parameter value, or NULL if not found.

◆ ecs_http_server_dequeue()

FLECS_API void ecs_http_server_dequeue ( ecs_http_server_t * server,
ecs_ftime_t delta_time )

Process server requests.

This operation invokes the reply callback for each received request. No new requests will be enqueued while processing requests.

serverThe server for which to process requests.

◆ ecs_http_server_fini()

FLECS_API void ecs_http_server_fini ( ecs_http_server_t * server)

Destroy server.

This operation will stop the server if it was still running.

serverThe server to destroy.

◆ ecs_http_server_http_request()

FLECS_API int ecs_http_server_http_request ( ecs_http_server_t * srv,
const char * req,
ecs_size_t len,
ecs_http_reply_t * reply_out )

Emulate a request.

The request string must be a valid HTTP request. A minimal example:

GET /entity/flecs/core/World?label=true HTTP/1.1
srvThe server.
reqThe request.
lenThe length of the request (optional).
The reply.

◆ ecs_http_server_init()

FLECS_API ecs_http_server_t * ecs_http_server_init ( const ecs_http_server_desc_t * desc)

Create server.

Use ecs_http_server_start() to start receiving requests.

descServer configuration parameters.
The new server, or NULL if creation failed.

◆ ecs_http_server_start()

FLECS_API int ecs_http_server_start ( ecs_http_server_t * server)

Start server.

After this operation the server will be able to accept requests.

serverThe server to start.
Zero if successful, non-zero if failed.

◆ ecs_http_server_stop()

FLECS_API void ecs_http_server_stop ( ecs_http_server_t * server)

Stop server.

After this operation no new requests can be received.

serverThe server.