Flecs v4.0
A fast entity component system (ECS) for C & C++
No Matches

Pipelines order and schedule systems for execution. More...

Collaboration diagram for Pipeline:


struct  ecs_pipeline_desc_t
 Pipeline descriptor, used with ecs_pipeline_init(). More...


#define ECS_PIPELINE_DEFINE(world, id_, ...)
 Convenience macro to create a predeclared pipeline.
#define ECS_PIPELINE(world, id, ...)
 Convenience macro to create a pipeline.
#define ecs_pipeline(world, ...)    ecs_pipeline_init(world, &(ecs_pipeline_desc_t) __VA_ARGS__ )
 Convenience macro to create a pipeline.


typedef struct ecs_pipeline_desc_t ecs_pipeline_desc_t
 Pipeline descriptor, used with ecs_pipeline_init().


FLECS_API ecs_entity_t ecs_pipeline_init (ecs_world_t *world, const ecs_pipeline_desc_t *desc)
 Create a custom pipeline.
FLECS_API void ecs_set_pipeline (ecs_world_t *world, ecs_entity_t pipeline)
 Set a custom pipeline.
FLECS_API ecs_entity_t ecs_get_pipeline (const ecs_world_t *world)
 Get the current pipeline.
FLECS_API bool ecs_progress (ecs_world_t *world, ecs_ftime_t delta_time)
 Progress a world.
FLECS_API void ecs_set_time_scale (ecs_world_t *world, ecs_ftime_t scale)
 Set time scale.
FLECS_API void ecs_reset_clock (ecs_world_t *world)
 Reset world clock.
FLECS_API void ecs_run_pipeline (ecs_world_t *world, ecs_entity_t pipeline, ecs_ftime_t delta_time)
 Run pipeline.
FLECS_API void ecs_set_threads (ecs_world_t *world, int32_t threads)
 Set number of worker threads.
FLECS_API void ecs_set_task_threads (ecs_world_t *world, int32_t task_threads)
 Set number of worker task threads.
FLECS_API bool ecs_using_task_threads (ecs_world_t *world)
 Returns true if task thread use have been requested.
FLECS_API void FlecsPipelineImport (ecs_world_t *world)
 Pipeline module import function.

Detailed Description

Pipelines order and schedule systems for execution.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define ECS_PIPELINE ( world,
... )
ecs_entity_t id = 0, ecs_id(id) = 0; ECS_PIPELINE_DEFINE(world, id, __VA_ARGS__);\
FLECS_API const ecs_entity_t ecs_id(EcsDocDescription)
Component id for EcsDocDescription.
#define ECS_PIPELINE_DEFINE(world, id_,...)
Convenience macro to create a predeclared pipeline.
Definition pipeline.h:54
ecs_id_t ecs_entity_t
An entity identifier.
Definition flecs.h:347

Convenience macro to create a pipeline.


ECS_PIPELINE(world, MyPipeline, Update || Physics || Render)
#define ECS_PIPELINE(world, id,...)
Convenience macro to create a pipeline.
Definition pipeline.h:74

Definition at line 74 of file pipeline.h.

◆ ecs_pipeline

#define ecs_pipeline ( world,
... )    ecs_pipeline_init(world, &(ecs_pipeline_desc_t) __VA_ARGS__ )

Convenience macro to create a pipeline.

See ecs_pipeline_init().

Definition at line 82 of file pipeline.h.


#define ECS_PIPELINE_DEFINE ( world,
... )
{ \
ecs_pipeline_desc_t desc = {0}; \
ecs_entity_desc_t edesc = {0}; \
edesc.id = id_;\
edesc.name = #id_;\
desc.entity = ecs_entity_init(world, &edesc);\
desc.query.expr = #__VA_ARGS__; \
id_ = ecs_pipeline_init(world, &desc); \
ecs_id(id_) = id_;\
} \
ecs_assert(id_ != 0, ECS_INVALID_PARAMETER, "failed to create pipeline");
FLECS_API ecs_entity_t ecs_pipeline_init(ecs_world_t *world, const ecs_pipeline_desc_t *desc)
Create a custom pipeline.
ecs_entity_t ecs_entity_init(ecs_world_t *world, const ecs_entity_desc_t *desc)
Find or create an entity.
Used with ecs_entity_init().
Definition flecs.h:938
const char * name
Name of the entity.
Definition flecs.h:945
ecs_entity_t id
Set to modify existing entity (optional)
Definition flecs.h:941
Pipeline descriptor, used with ecs_pipeline_init().
Definition pipeline.h:88
ecs_entity_t entity
Existing entity to associate with pipeline (optional).
Definition pipeline.h:90
ecs_query_desc_t query
The pipeline query.
Definition pipeline.h:115
const char * expr
Query DSL expression (optional)
Definition flecs.h:1170

Convenience macro to create a predeclared pipeline.


ECS_PIPELINE_DEFINE(world, MyPipeline, Update || Physics || Render)
Forward declare an entity.
Definition flecs_c.h:29

Definition at line 54 of file pipeline.h.



Definition at line 39 of file pipeline.h.

Function Documentation

◆ ecs_get_pipeline()

FLECS_API ecs_entity_t ecs_get_pipeline ( const ecs_world_t * world)

Get the current pipeline.

This operation gets the current pipeline.

worldThe world.
The current pipeline.

◆ ecs_pipeline_init()

FLECS_API ecs_entity_t ecs_pipeline_init ( ecs_world_t * world,
const ecs_pipeline_desc_t * desc )

Create a custom pipeline.

worldThe world.
descThe pipeline descriptor.
The pipeline, 0 if failed.

◆ ecs_progress()

FLECS_API bool ecs_progress ( ecs_world_t * world,
ecs_ftime_t delta_time )

Progress a world.

This operation progresses the world by running all systems that are both enabled and periodic on their matching entities.

An application can pass a delta_time into the function, which is the time passed since the last frame. This value is passed to systems so they can update entity values proportional to the elapsed time since their last invocation.

When an application passes 0 to delta_time, ecs_progress() will automatically measure the time passed since the last frame. If an application does not uses time management, it should pass a non-zero value for delta_time (1.0 is recommended). That way, no time will be wasted measuring the time.

worldThe world to progress.
delta_timeThe time passed since the last frame.
false if ecs_quit() has been called, true otherwise.

◆ ecs_reset_clock()

FLECS_API void ecs_reset_clock ( ecs_world_t * world)

Reset world clock.

Reset the clock that keeps track of the total time passed in the simulation.

worldThe world.

◆ ecs_run_pipeline()

FLECS_API void ecs_run_pipeline ( ecs_world_t * world,
ecs_entity_t pipeline,
ecs_ftime_t delta_time )

Run pipeline.

This will run all systems in the provided pipeline. This operation may be invoked from multiple threads, and only when staging is disabled, as the pipeline manages staging and, if necessary, synchronization between threads.

If 0 is provided for the pipeline id, the default pipeline will be ran (this is either the builtin pipeline or the pipeline set with set_pipeline()).

When using progress() this operation will be invoked automatically for the default pipeline (either the builtin pipeline or the pipeline set with set_pipeline()). An application may run additional pipelines.

worldThe world.
pipelineThe pipeline to run.
delta_timeThe delta_time to pass to systems.

◆ ecs_set_pipeline()

FLECS_API void ecs_set_pipeline ( ecs_world_t * world,
ecs_entity_t pipeline )

Set a custom pipeline.

This operation sets the pipeline to run when ecs_progress() is invoked.

worldThe world.
pipelineThe pipeline to set.

◆ ecs_set_task_threads()

FLECS_API void ecs_set_task_threads ( ecs_world_t * world,
int32_t task_threads )

Set number of worker task threads.

ecs_set_task_threads() is similar to ecs_set_threads(), except threads are treated as short-lived tasks and will be created and joined around each update of the world. Creation and joining of these tasks will use the os_api_t tasks APIs rather than the the standard thread API functions, although they may be the same if desired. This function is useful for multithreading world updates using an external asynchronous job system rather than long running threads by providing the APIs to create tasks for your job system and then wait on their conclusion. The operation may be called multiple times to reconfigure the number of task threads used, but never while running a system / pipeline. Calling ecs_set_task_threads() will also end the use of threads setup with ecs_set_threads() and vice-versa

worldThe world.
task_threadsThe number of task threads to create.

◆ ecs_set_threads()

FLECS_API void ecs_set_threads ( ecs_world_t * world,
int32_t threads )

Set number of worker threads.

Setting this value to a value higher than 1 will start as many threads and will cause systems to evenly distribute matched entities across threads. The operation may be called multiple times to reconfigure the number of threads used, but never while running a system / pipeline. Calling ecs_set_threads() will also end the use of task threads setup with ecs_set_task_threads() and vice-versa.

worldThe world.
threadsThe number of threads to create.

◆ ecs_set_time_scale()

FLECS_API void ecs_set_time_scale ( ecs_world_t * world,
ecs_ftime_t scale )

Set time scale.

Increase or decrease simulation speed by the provided multiplier.

worldThe world.
scaleThe scale to apply (default = 1).

◆ ecs_using_task_threads()

FLECS_API bool ecs_using_task_threads ( ecs_world_t * world)

Returns true if task thread use have been requested.

worldThe world.
Whether the world is using task threads.

◆ FlecsPipelineImport()

FLECS_API void FlecsPipelineImport ( ecs_world_t * world)

Pipeline module import function.


ECS_IMPORT(world, FlecsPipeline)
#define ECS_IMPORT(world, id)
Wrapper around ecs_import().
Definition module.h:119
worldThe world.