Flecs v4.0
A fast entity component system (ECS) for C & C++
No Matches
Component Traits

Component traits are tags and pairs that can be added to components to modify their behavior. This manual contains an overview of all component traits supported by Flecs.

Cleanup traits

When entities that are used as tags, components, relationships or relationship targets are deleted, cleanup traits ensure that the store does not contain any dangling references. Any cleanup policy provides this guarantee, so while they are configurable, applications cannot configure traits that allows for dangling references.

Note: this only applies to entities (like tags, components, relationships) that are added to other entities. It does not apply to components that store an entity value, so:

  • C

    struct MyComponent {
    ecs_entity_t e; // Not covered by cleanup traits
    ecs_add_pair(world, e, EcsChildOf, parent); // covered by cleanup traits
    const ecs_entity_t EcsChildOf
    Used to express parent-child relationships.
    ecs_id_t ecs_entity_t
    An entity identifier.
    Definition flecs.h:381

  • C++

    struct MyComponent {
    flecs::entity e; // Not covered by cleanup traits
    e.add(ChildOf, parent); // Covered by cleanup traits
    const Self & add() const
    Add a component to an entity.
    Definition builder.hpp:25
    Definition entity.hpp:30

  • C#

    public struct MyComponent
    public Entity e; // Not covered by cleanup traits
    e.Add(Ecs.ChildOf, parent); // Covered by cleanup traits

  • Rust

    struct MyComponent {
    e: Entity, // Not covered by cleanup traits
    e.child_of_id(parent); // Covered by cleanup traits

The default policy is that any references to the entity will be removed. For example, when the tag Archer is deleted, it will be removed from all entities that have it, which is similar to invoking the remove_all operation:

  • C

    ecs_remove_all(world, Archer);
    void ecs_remove_all(ecs_world_t *world, ecs_id_t id)
    Remove all instances of the specified (component) id.

  • C++


  • C#


  • Rust


Since entities can be used in relationship pairs, just calling remove_all on just the entity itself does not guarantee that no dangling references are left. A more comprehensive description of what happens is:

  • C

    ecs_remove_all(world, Archer);
    ecs_remove_all(world, ecs_pair(Archer, EcsWildcard));
    ecs_remove_all(world, ecs_pair(EcsWildcard, Archer));
    const ecs_entity_t EcsWildcard
    Wildcard entity ("*").

  • C++

    world.remove_all(Archer, flecs::Wildcard);
    world.remove_all(flecs::Wildcard, Archer);

  • C#

    world.RemoveAll(archer, Ecs.Wildcard);
    world.RemoveAll(Ecs.Wildcard, archer);

  • Rust

    world.remove_all_id((archer, flecs::Wildcard::ID));
    world.remove_all_id((flecs::Wildcard::ID, archer));

This succeeds in removing all possible references to Archer. Sometimes this behavior is not what we want however. Consider a parent-child hierarchy, where we want to delete the child entities when the parent is deleted. Instead of removing (ChildOf, parent) from all children, we need to delete the children.

We also want to specify this per relationship. If an entity has (Likes, parent) we may not want to delete that entity, meaning the cleanup we want to perform for Likes and ChildOf may not be the same.

This is what cleanup traits are for: to specify which action needs to be executed under which condition. They are applied to entities that have a reference to the entity being deleted: if I delete the Archer tag I remove the tag from all entities that have it.

To configure a cleanup policy for an entity, a (Condition, Action) pair can be added to it. If no policy is specified, the default cleanup action (Remove) is performed.

There are three cleanup actions:

  • Remove: as if doing remove_all(entity) (default)
  • Delete: as if doing delete_with(entity)
  • Panic: throw a fatal error (default for components)

There are two cleanup conditions:

  • OnDelete: the component, tag or relationship is deleted
  • OnDeleteTarget: a target used with the relationship is deleted

Policies apply to both regular and pair instances, so to all entities with T as well as (T, *).


The following examples show how to use cleanup traits

(OnDelete, Remove)

  • C

    // Remove Archer from entities when Archer is deleted
    ECS_TAG(world, Archer);
    ecs_add_pair(world, Archer, EcsOnDelete, EcsRemove);
    ecs_entity_t e = ecs_new_w_id(world, Archer);
    // This will remove Archer from e
    ecs_delete(world, Archer);
    const ecs_entity_t EcsRemove
    Remove cleanup policy.
    const ecs_entity_t EcsOnDelete
    Relationship used for specifying cleanup behavior.
    ecs_entity_t ecs_new_w_id(ecs_world_t *world, ecs_id_t id)
    Create new entity with (component) id.
    void ecs_delete(ecs_world_t *world, ecs_entity_t entity)
    Delete an entity.
    #define ECS_TAG(world, id)
    Declare & define a tag.
    Definition flecs_c.h:86

  • C++

    // Remove Archer from entities when Archer is deleted
    .add(flecs::OnDelete, flecs::Remove);
    auto e = world.entity().add<Archer>();
    // This will remove Archer from e

  • C#

    // Remove Archer from entities when Archer is deleted
    .Add(Ecs.OnDelete, Ecs.Remove);
    Entity e = world.Entity().Add<Archer>();
    // This will remove Archer from e

  • Rust

    // Remove Archer from entities when Archer is deleted
    .add_trait::<(flecs::OnDelete, flecs::Remove)>();
    let e = world.entity().add::<Archer>();

(OnDelete, Delete)

  • C

    // Delete entities with Archer when Archer is deleted
    ECS_TAG(world, Archer);
    ecs_add_pair(world, Archer, EcsOnDelete, EcsDelete);
    ecs_entity_t e = ecs_new_w_id(world, Archer);
    // This will delete e
    ecs_delete(world, Archer);
    const ecs_entity_t EcsDelete
    Delete cleanup policy.

  • C++

    // Delete entities with Archer when Archer is deleted
    .add(flecs::OnDelete, flecs::Delete);
    auto e = world.entity().add<Archer>();
    // This will delete e

  • C#

    // Delete entities with Archer when Archer is deleted
    .Add(Ecs.OnDelete, Ecs.Delete);
    Entity e = world.Entity().Add<Archer>();
    // This will delete e

  • Rust

    // Remove Archer from entities when Archer is deleted
    .add_trait::<(flecs::OnDelete, flecs::Remove)>();
    let e = world.entity().add::<Archer>();
    // This will remove Archer from e

(OnDeleteTarget, Delete)

  • C

    // Delete children when deleting parent
    ECS_TAG(world, ChildOf);
    ecs_add_pair(world, ChildOf, EcsOnDeleteTarget, EcsDelete);
    ecs_entity_t p = ecs_new(world);
    ecs_entity_t e = ecs_new_w_pair(world, ChildOf, p);
    // This will delete both p and e
    ecs_delete(world, p);
    const ecs_entity_t EcsOnDeleteTarget
    Relationship used to define what should happen when a target entity (second element of a pair) is del...
    ecs_entity_t ecs_new(ecs_world_t *world)
    Create new entity id.

  • C++

    // Delete children when deleting parent
    .add(flecs::OnDeleteTarget, flecs::Delete);
    auto p = world.entity();
    auto e = world.entity().add<ChildOf>(p);
    // This will delete both p and e

  • C#

    // Delete children when deleting parent
    .Add(Ecs.OnDeleteTarget, Ecs.Delete);
    Entity p = world.Entity();
    Entity e = world.Entity().Add<ChildOf>(p);
    // This will delete both p and e

  • Rust

    // Delete children when deleting parent
    .add_trait::<(flecs::OnDeleteTarget, flecs::Delete)>();
    let p = world.entity();
    let e = world.entity().add_first::<flecs::ChildOf>(p);
    // This will delete both p and e

Cleanup order

While cleanup actions allow for specifying what needs to happen when a particular entity is deleted, or when an entity used with a particular relationship is deleted, they do not enforce a strict cleanup order. The reason for this is that there can be many orderings that satisfy the cleanup traits.

This is important to consider especially when writing OnRemove triggers or hooks, as the order in which they are invoked highly depends on the order in which entities are cleaned up.

Take an example with a parent and a child that both have the Node tag:

  • C

    ecs_observer(world, {
    .query.terms = {{ Node }},
    .events = { EcsOnRemove },
    .callback = ...
    ecs_entity_t p = ecs_new_w(world, Node);
    ecs_entity_t c = ecs_new_w_pair(world, EcsChildOf, p);
    const ecs_entity_t EcsOnRemove
    Event that triggers when an id is removed from an entity.
    #define ecs_observer(world,...)
    Shorthand for creating an observer with ecs_observer_init().
    Definition flecs_c.h:293

  • C++

    .each([](flecs::entity e) { });
    flecs::entity p = world.entity().add<Node>();
    flecs::entity c = world.entity().add<Node>().child_of(p);

  • C#

    .Each((Entity e) => { });
    Entity p = world.Entity().Add<Node>();
    Entity c = world.Entity().Add<Node>().ChildOf(p);

  • Rust

    .observer::<flecs::OnRemove, &Node>()
    .each_entity(|e, node| {
    // This observer will be invoked when a Node is removed
    let p = world.entity().add::<Node>();
    let c = world.entity().add::<Node>().child_of_id(p);

In this example, when calling p.destruct() the observer is first invoked for the child, and then for the parent, which is to be expected as the child is deleted before the parent. Cleanup traits do not however guarantee that this is always the case.

An application could also call world.component<Node>().destruct() which would delete the Node component and all of its instances. In this scenario the cleanup traits for the ChildOf relationship are not considered, and therefore the ordering is undefined. Another typical scenario in which ordering is undefined is when an application has cyclical relationships with a Delete cleanup action.

Cleanup order during world teardown

Cleanup issues often show up during world teardown as the ordering in which entities are deleted is controlled by the application. While world teardown respects cleanup traits, there can be many entity delete orderings that are valid according to the cleanup traits, but not all of them are equally useful. There are ways to organize entities that helps world cleanup to do the right thing. These are:

Organize components, triggers, observers and systems in modules. Storing these entities in modules ensures that they stay alive for as long as possible. This leads to more predictable cleanup ordering as components will be deleted as their entities are, vs. when the component is deleted. It also ensures that triggers and observers are not deleted while matching events are still being generated.

Avoid organizing components, triggers, observers and systems under entities that are not modules. If a non-module entity with children is stored in the root, it will get cleaned up along with other regular entities. If you have entities such as these organized in a non-module scope, consider adding the EcsModule/flecs::Module/Ecs.Module tag to the root of that scope.

The next section goes into more detail on why this improves cleanup behavior and what happens during world teardown.

World teardown sequence

To understand why some ways to organize entities work better than others, having an overview of what happens during world teardown is useful. Here is a list of the steps that happen when a world is deleted:

  1. Find all root entities World teardown starts by finding all root entities, which are entities that do not have the builtin ChildOf relationship. Note that empty entities (entities without any components) are not found during this step.
  2. Query out modules, components, observers and systems This ensures that components are not cleaned up before the entities that use them, and triggers, observers and systems are not cleaned up while there are still conditions under which they could be invoked.
  3. Query out entities that have no children If entities have no children they cannot cause complex cleanup logic. This also decreases the likelihood of initiating cleanup actions that could impact other entities.
  4. Delete root entities The root entities that were not filtered out will be deleted.
  5. Delete everything else The last step will delete all remaining entities. At this point cleanup traits are no longer considered and cleanup order is undefined.

Trait trait

The trait trait marks an entity as a trait, which is any tag that is added to another tag/component/relationship to modify its behavior. All traits in this manual are marked as trait. It is not required to mark a trait as a trait before adding it to another tag/component/relationship. The main reason for the trait trait is to ease some of the constraints on relationships (see the Relationship trait).

  • C

    ECS_TAG(world, Serializable);
    ecs_add_id(world, Serializable, EcsTrait);
    void ecs_add_id(ecs_world_t *world, ecs_entity_t entity, ecs_id_t id)
    Add a (component) id to an entity.
    const ecs_entity_t EcsTrait
    Can be added to components to indicate it is a trait.

  • C++

    struct Serializable { };

  • C#

    public struct Serializable { }

  • Rust

    struct Serializable;


Relationship trait

The relationship trait enforces that an entity can only be used as relationship. Consider the following example:

  • C

    ECS_TAG(world, Likes);
    ECS_TAG(world, Apples);
    ecs_add_id(world, Likes, EcsRelationship);
    ecs_entity_t e = ecs_new_id(world);
    ecs_add(world, Likes); // Panic, 'Likes' is not used as relationship
    ecs_add_pair(world, Apples, Likes); // Panic, 'Likes' is not used as relationship
    ecs_add_pair(world, Likes, Apples); // OK
    const ecs_entity_t EcsRelationship
    Ensure that an entity is always used in pair as relationship.

  • C++

    struct Likes { };
    struct Apples { };
    flecs::entity e = world.entity()
    .add<Likes>() // Panic, 'Likes' is not used as relationship
    .add<Apples, Likes>() // Panic, 'Likes' is not used as relationship
    .add<Likes, Apples>(); // OK

  • C#

    public struct Likes { }
    public struct Apples { }
    Entity e = ecs.Entity()
    .Add<Likes>() // Panic, 'Likes' is not used as relationship
    .Add<Apples, Likes>() // Panic, 'Likes' is not used as relationship
    .add<Likes, Apples>(); // OK

  • Rust

    struct Likes;
    struct Apples;
    let e = world
    .add::<Likes>() // Panic, 'Likes' is not used as relationship
    .add::<(Apples, Likes)>() // Panic, 'Likes' is not used as relationship, but as target
    .add::<(Likes, Apples)>(); // OK

Entities marked with Relationship may still be used as target if the relationship part of the pair has the Trait trait. This ensures the relationship can still be used to configure the behavior of other entities. Consider the following code example:

  • C

    ECS_TAG(world, Likes);
    ECS_TAG(world, Loves);
    ecs_add_id(world, Likes, EcsRelationship);
    // Even though Likes is marked as relationship and used as target here, this
    // won't panic as With is marked as trait.
    ecs_add_pair(world, Loves, EcsWith, Likes);
    const ecs_entity_t EcsWith
    Ensure that a component always is added together with another component.

  • C++

    struct Likes { };
    struct Loves { };
    // Even though Likes is marked as relationship and used as target here, this
    // won't panic as With is marked as trait.
    world.component<Loves>().add(flecs::With, world.component<Likes>());

  • C#

    public struct Likes { }
    public struct Loves { }
    world.Component<Loves>().Entity.Add(Ecs.With, world.Component<Likes>());

  • Rust

    struct Likes;
    struct Loves;
    // Even though Likes is marked as relationship and used as target here, this
    // won't panic as With is marked as trait.
    .add_trait::<(flecs::With, Likes)>();

Target trait

The target trait enforces that an entity can only be used as relationship target. Consider the following example:

  • C

    ECS_TAG(world, Likes);
    ECS_TAG(world, Apples);
    ecs_add_id(world, Apples, EcsTarget);
    ecs_entity_t e = ecs_new_id(world);
    ecs_add(world, Apples); // Panic, 'Apples' is not used as target
    ecs_add_pair(world, Apples, Likes); // Panic, 'Apples' is not used as target
    ecs_add_pair(world, Likes, Apples); // OK
    const ecs_entity_t EcsTarget
    Ensure that an entity is always used in pair as target.

  • C++

    struct Likes { };
    struct Apples { };
    flecs::entity e = world.entity()
    .add<Apples>() // Panic, 'Apples' is not used as target
    .add<Apples, Likes>() // Panic, 'Apples' is not used as target
    .add<Likes, Apples>(); // OK

  • C#

    public struct Likes { }
    public struct Apples { }
    Entity e = ecs.Entity()
    .Add<Apples>() // Panic, 'Apples' is not used as target
    .Add<Apples, Likes>() // Panic, 'Apples' is not used as target
    .Add<Likes, Apples>(); // OK

  • Rust

    struct Likes;
    struct Apples;
    let e = world
    .add::<Apples>() // Panic, 'Apples' is not used as target
    .add::<(Apples, Likes)>() // Panic, 'Apples' is not used as target, but as relationship
    .add::<(Likes, Apples)>(); // OK

PairIsTag trait

A relationship can be marked with PairIsTag in which case a pair with the relationship will never contain data. By default the data associated with a pair is determined by whether either the relationship or target are components. For some relationships however, even if the target is a component, no data should be added to the relationship. Consider the following example:

  • C

    typedef struct {
    float x;
    float y;
    } Position;
    ECS_TAG(world, Serializable);
    ECS_COMPONENT(world, Position);
    ecs_entity_t e = ecs_new(world);
    ecs_set(world, e, Position, {10, 20});
    ecs_add_pair(world, e, Serializable, ecs_id(Position));
    // Gets value from Position component
    const Position *p = ecs_get(world, e, Position);
    // Gets (unintended) value from (Serializable, Position) pair
    const Position *p = ecs_get_pair_second(world, e, Serializable, Position);
    FLECS_API const ecs_entity_t ecs_id(EcsDocDescription)
    Component id for EcsDocDescription.
    #define ECS_COMPONENT(world, id)
    Declare & define a component.
    Definition flecs_c.h:145

  • C++

    struct Serializable { }; // Tag, contains no data
    struct Position {
    float x, y;
    auto e = ecs.entity()
    .set<Position>({10, 20})
    .add<Serializable, Position>(); // Because Serializable is a tag, the pair
    // has a value of type Position
    // Gets value from Position component
    const Position *p = e.get<Position>();
    // Gets (unintended) value from (Serializable, Position) pair
    const Position *p = e.get<Serializable, Position>();
    const T * get() const
    Get component value.

  • C#

    public struct Serializable { } // Tag, contains no data
    public record struct Position(float X, float Y);
    Entity e = ecs.Entity()
    .Set<Position>(new(10, 20))
    .Add<Serializable, Position>(); // Because Serializable is a tag, the pair
    // has a value of type Position
    // Gets value from Position component
    ref readonly Position p = ref e.Get<Position>();
    // Gets (unintended) value from (Serializable, Position) pair
    ref readonly Position p = ref e.GetSecond<Serializable, Position>();

  • Rust

    struct Serializable; // Tag, contains no data
    impl flecs::FlecsTrait for Serializable {}
    struct Position {
    x: f32,
    y: f32,
    let e = world
    .set(Position { x: 10.0, y: 20.9 })
    .add_trait::<(Serializable, Position)>(); // Because Serializable is a tag, the pair
    // has a value of type Position
    // Gets value from Position component
    e.get::<&Position>(|pos| {
    println!("Position: ({}, {})", pos.x, pos.y);
    // Gets (unintended) value from (Serializable, Position) pair
    e.get::<&(Serializable, Position)>(|pos| {
    println!("Serializable Position: ({}, {})", pos.x, pos.y);

To prevent data from being associated with pairs that can apply to components, the Tag trait can be added to relationships:

  • C

    // Ensure that Serializable never contains data
    ecs_add_id(world, Serializable, EcsPairIsTag);
    // Because Serializable is marked as a Tag, no data is added for the pair
    // even though Position is a component
    ecs_add_pair(world, e, Serializable, ecs_id(Position));
    // This is still OK
    const Position *p = ecs_get(world, e, Position);
    // This no longer works, the pair has no data
    const Position *p = ecs_get_pair_second(world, e, Serializable, Position);
    const ecs_entity_t EcsPairIsTag
    Can be added to relationship to indicate that it should never hold data, even when it or the relation...

  • C++

    // Ensure that Serializable never contains data
    auto e = ecs.entity()
    .set<Position>({10, 20})
    .add<Serializable, Position>(); // Because Serializable marked as a Tag, no
    // data is added for the pair even though
    // Position is a component
    // Gets value from Position component
    const Position *p = e.get<Position>();
    // This no longer works, the pair has no data
    const Position *p = e.get<Serializable, Position>();

  • C#

    // Ensure that Serializable never contains data
    Entity e = ecs.Entity()
    .Set<Position>(new(10, 20))
    .Add<Serializable, Position>(); // Because Serializable marked as a Tag, no
    // data is added for the pair even though
    // Position is a component
    // Gets value from Position component
    ref readonly Position p = ref e.Get<Position>();
    // This no longer works, the pair has no data
    ref readonly Position p = ref e.GetSecond<Serializable, Position>();

  • Rust

    // This is currently not supported in Rust due to safety concerns.

The Tag trait is only interpreted when it is added to the relationship part of a pair.

Final trait

Entities can be annotated with the Final trait, which prevents using them with IsA relationship. This is similar to the concept of a final class as something that cannot be extended. The following example shows how use Final:

  • C

    ecs_entity_t e = ecs_new(world);
    ecs_add_id(world, e, EcsFinal);
    ecs_entity_t i = ecs_new(world);
    ecs_add_pair(world, e, i, EcsIsA, e); // not allowed
    const ecs_entity_t EcsIsA
    Used to express inheritance relationships.
    const ecs_entity_t EcsFinal
    Ensures that entity/component cannot be used as target in IsA relationship.

  • C++

    auto e = ecs.entity()
    auto i = ecs.entity()
    .is_a(e); // not allowed

  • C#

    Entity e = ecs.Entity()
    Entity i = ecs.Entity()
    .IsA(e); // not allowed

  • Rust

    let e = world.entity().add_trait::<flecs::Final>();
    let i = world.entity().is_a_id(e); // not allowed

Queries may use the final trait to optimize, as they do not have to explore subsets of a final entity. For more information on how queries interpret final, see the Query manual.

Inheritable trait

The Inheritable trait indicates that a component can be inherited from (it can be used as target of an IsA relationship). It is not required to add this trait to components before using them as target of an IsA pair, but it can be used to ensure that queries for the component take into account component inheritance.

  • C

    ECS_TAG(world, Unit);
    ecs_add_id(world, Unit, EcsInheritable);
    ecs_query_t *q = ecs_query(world, {
    .terms = {{ Unit }}
    ECS_TAG(world, Warrior);
    ecs_add_pair(world, Warrior, EcsIsA, Unit);
    ecs_iter_t it = ecs_query_iter(world, q);
    // iterate query
    const ecs_entity_t EcsInheritable
    Mark component as inheritable.
    #define ecs_query(world,...)
    Shorthand for creating a query with ecs_query_cache_init.
    Definition flecs_c.h:278
    ecs_iter_t ecs_query_iter(const ecs_world_t *world, const ecs_query_t *query)
    Create a query iterator.
    Definition flecs.h:1136
    Queries are lists of constraints (terms) that match entities.
    Definition flecs.h:813

  • C++

    auto q = world.query_builder()
    q.each([](flecs::entity unit) {
    // ...

  • C#

    auto q = world.QueryBuilder()
    q.Each([](Entity unit) {
    // ...

  • Rust

    auto q = world.query()
    q.each_entity(|e| {
    // ...

Queries must be aware of (potential) inheritance relationships when they are created. A query will be created with support for inheritance under the following conditions:

  • If the component has the Inheritable trait
  • If the component is inherited from
  • If the component inherits from another component and is not Final

If a query was not aware of inheritance relationships at creation time and one or more of the components in the query were inherited from, query iteration will fail in debug mode.

OnInstantiate trait

The OnInstantiate trait configures the behavior of components when an entity is instantiated from another entity (usually a prefab). Instantiation happens when an IsA pair is added to an entity.

By default, when an entity is instantiated, the components from the base entity (the IsA target) are copied to the instance. This behavior can be modified with the OnInstantiate trait, which can be used as pair in combination with three targets:

Target C C++ C# Description
Override EcsOverride flecs::Override Ecs.Override Copy component from base to instance (default)
Inherit EcsInherit flecs::Inherit Ecs.Inherit Inherit component from base
DontInherit EcsDontInherit flecs::DontInherit Ecs.DontInherit Don't inherit (and don't copy) component from base


The default behavior for OnInstantiate is Override, which means that the component is copied to the instance. This means that after instantiation, the instance has an owned copy for the component that masks the base component (the "override").

Note that for an override to work correctly, a component has to be copyable.

The following example shows how to use the Override trait:

  • C

    ECS_COMPONENT(ecs, Mass);
    // Set trait on Mass. Optional, since this is the default behavior
    ecs_add_pair(ecs, ecs_id(Mass), EcsOnInstantiate, EcsOverride);
    ecs_entity_t base = ecs_insert(ecs, ecs_value(Mass, { 100 }));
    ecs_entity_t inst = ecs_insert(ecs, { ecs_isa(base) }); // Mass is copied to inst
    assert(ecs_owns(ecs, inst, Mass));
    assert(ecs_get(ecs, base, Mass) != ecs_get(ecs, inst, Mass));
    const ecs_entity_t EcsOverride
    Override component on instantiate.
    const ecs_entity_t EcsOnInstantiate
    Relationship that specifies component inheritance behavior.
    #define ecs_value(T,...)
    Convenience macro for creating compound literal value literal.
    Definition flecs_c.h:738

  • C++

    // Register component with trait. Optional, since this is the default behavior.
    ecs.component<Mass>().add(flecs::OnInstantiate, flecs::Override);
    ecs_entity_t base = ecs.entity().set(Mass, { 100 });
    ecs_entity_t inst = ecs.entity().is_a(base); // Mass is copied to inst
    assert(base.get<Mass>() != inst.get<Mass>());

  • C#

    // Register component with trait. Optional, since this is the default behavior.
    .Add(Ecs.OnInstantiate, Ecs.Override);
    Entity base = ecs.Entity()
    Entity inst = ecs.Entity()
    .IsA(base); // Mass is copied to inst

  • Rust

    // Register component with trait. Optional, since this is the default behavior.
    .add_trait::<(flecs::OnInstantiate, flecs::Override)>();
    let base = world.entity().set(Mass { value: 100.0 });
    let inst = world.entity().is_a_id(base); // Mass is copied to inst
    assert!(base.cloned::<&Mass>() != inst.cloned::<&Mass>());


Components with the Inherit trait are inherited from a base entity (the IsA target) on instantiation. Inherited components are not copied to the instance, and are only stored once in memory. Operations such as get and has, and queries will automatically lookup inheritable components by following the IsA relationship.

Inheritable components can be overridden manually by adding the component to the instance. This results in the same behavior as the Override trait, where the component is copied from the base entity.

The following example shows how to use the Inherit trait:

  • C

    ECS_COMPONENT(ecs, Mass);
    // Set trait on Mass
    ecs_add_pair(ecs, ecs_id(Mass), EcsOnInstantiate, EcsInherit);
    ecs_entity_t base = ecs_insert(ecs, ecs_value(Mass, { 100 }));
    ecs_entity_t inst = ecs_insert(ecs, { ecs_isa(base) }); // Mass is copied to inst
    assert(ecs_has(ecs, inst, Mass));
    assert(!ecs_owns(ecs, inst, Mass));
    assert(ecs_get(ecs, base, Mass) != ecs_get(ecs, inst, Mass));
    const ecs_entity_t EcsInherit
    Inherit component on instantiate.

  • C++

    // Register component with trait
    ecs.component<Mass>().add(flecs::OnInstantiate, flecs::Inherit);
    ecs_entity_t base = ecs.entity().set(Mass, { 100 });
    ecs_entity_t inst = ecs.entity().is_a(base);
    assert(base.get<Mass>() != inst.get<Mass>());

  • C#

    // Register component with trait
    .Add(Ecs.OnInstantiate, Ecs.Inherit);
    Entity base = ecs.Entity()
    Entity inst = ecs.Entity()

  • Rust

    // Register component with trait
    .add_trait::<(flecs::OnInstantiate, flecs::Inherit)>();
    let base = world.entity().set(Mass { value: 100.0 });
    let inst = world.entity().is_a_id(base);
    assert!(base.cloned::<&Mass>() != inst.cloned::<&Mass>());


Components with the DontInherit trait are not inherited from a base entity (the IsA target) on instantiation, and are not copied to the instance. Operations such as has and get will not find the component, and queries will not match it.

Components with the DontInherit cannot be overridden manually. When a component is added to an instance and the base also has the component, the base component is ignored and its value is not copied to the instance.

The following example shows how to use the DontInherit trait:

  • C

    ECS_COMPONENT(ecs, Mass);
    // Set trait on Mass
    ecs_add_pair(ecs, ecs_id(Mass), EcsOnInstantiate, EcsDontInherit);
    ecs_entity_t base = ecs_insert(ecs, ecs_value(Mass, { 100 }));
    ecs_entity_t inst = ecs_insert(ecs, { ecs_isa(base) }); // Mass is copied to inst
    assert(!ecs_has(ecs, inst, Mass));
    assert(!ecs_owns(ecs, inst, Mass));
    assert(ecs_get(ecs, inst, Mass) == NULL);
    const ecs_entity_t EcsDontInherit
    Never inherit component on instantiate.

  • C++

    // Register component with trait
    ecs.component<Mass>().add(flecs::OnInstantiate, flecs::DontInherit);
    ecs_entity_t base = ecs.entity().set(Mass, { 100 });
    ecs_entity_t inst = ecs.entity().is_a(base);
    assert(inst.get<Mass>() == nullptr);

  • C#

    // Register component with trait
    .Add(Ecs.OnInstantiate, Ecs.DontInherit);
    Entity base = ecs.Entity()
    Entity inst = ecs.Entity()

  • Rust

    // Register component with trait
    .add_trait::<(flecs::OnInstantiate, flecs::DontInherit)>();
    let base = world.entity().set(Mass { value: 100.0 });
    let inst = world.entity().is_a_id(base);
    assert!(!inst.try_get::<&Mass>(|mass| {}));

Transitive trait

Relationships can be marked as transitive. A formal-ish definition if transitivity in the context of relationships is:

If Relationship(EntityA, EntityB)
And Relationship(EntityB, EntityC)
Then Relationship(EntityA, EntityC)

What this means becomes more obvious when translated to a real-life example:

‍If Manhattan is located in New York, and New York is located in the USA, then Manhattan is located in the USA.

In this example, LocatedIn is the relationship and Manhattan, New York and USA are entities A, B and C. Another common example of transitivity is found in OOP inheritance:

‍If a Square is a Rectangle and a Rectangle is a Shape, then a Square is a Shape.

In this example IsA is the relationship and Square, Rectangle and Shape are the entities.

When relationships in Flecs are marked as transitive, queries can follow the transitive relationship to see if an entity matches. Consider this example dataset:

  • C

    ecs_entity_t LocatedIn = ecs_new(world);
    ecs_entity_t Manhattan = ecs_new(world);
    ecs_entity_t NewYork = ecs_new(world);
    ecs_entity_t USA = ecs_new(world);
    ecs_add_pair(world, Manhattan, LocatedIn, NewYork);
    ecs_add_pair(world, NewYork, LocatedIn, USA);

  • C++

    auto LocatedIn = world.entity();
    auto Manhattan = world.entity();
    auto NewYork = world.entity();
    auto USA = world.entity();
    Manhattan.add(LocatedIn, NewYork);
    NewYork.add(LocatedIn, USA);

  • C#

    Entity locatedin = world.Entity();
    Entity manhattan = world.Entity();
    Entity newyork = world.Entity();
    Entity usa = world.Entity();
    Manhattan.Add(locatedin, newyork);
    NewYork.Add(locatedin, usa);

  • Rust

    let locatedin = world.entity();
    let manhattan = world.entity();
    let newyork = world.entity();
    let usa = world.entity();
    manhattan.add_id((locatedin, newyork));
    newyork.add_id((locatedin, usa));

If we were now to query for (LocatedIn, USA) we would only match NewYork, because we never added (LocatedIn, USA) to Manhattan. To make sure queries Manhattan as well we have to make the LocatedIn relationship transitive. We can simply do this by adding the transitive trait to the relationship entity:

  • C

    ecs_add_id(world, LocatedIn, Transitive);

  • C++


  • C#


  • Rust


When now querying for (LocatedIn, USA), the query will follow the LocatedIn relationship and return both NewYork and Manhattan. For more details on how queries use transitivity, see the Transitive Relationships section in the query manual.

Reflexive trait

A relationship can be marked reflexive which means that a query like Relationship(Entity, Entity) should evaluate to true. The utility of Reflexive becomes more obvious with an example:

Given this dataset:

IsA(Oak, Tree)

we can ask whether an oak is a tree:

IsA(Oak, Tree)
- Yes, an Oak is a tree (Oak has (IsA, Tree))

We can also ask whether a tree is a tree, which it obviously is:

IsA(Tree, Tree)
- Yes, even though Tree does not have (IsA, Tree)

However, this does not apply to all relationships. Consider a dataset with a LocatedIn relationship:

LocatedIn(SanFrancisco, UnitedStates)

we can now ask whether SanFrancisco is located in SanFrancisco, which it is not:

LocatedIn(SanFrancisco, SanFrancisco)
- No

In these examples, IsA is a reflexive relationship, whereas LocatedIn is not.

Acyclic trait

A relationship can be marked with the Acyclic trait to indicate that it cannot contain cycles. Both the builtin ChildOf and IsA relationships are marked acyclic. Knowing whether a relationship is acyclic allows the storage to detect and throw errors when a cyclic relationship is introduced by accident.

Note that because cycle detection requires expensive algorithms, adding Acyclic to a relationship does not guarantee that an error will be thrown when a cycle is accidentally introduced. While detection may improve over time, an application that runs without errors is no guarantee that it does not contain acyclic relationships with cycles.

Traversable trait

Traversable relationships are allowed to be traversed automatically by queries, for example using the up bit flag (upwards traversal, see query traversal flags). Traversable relationships are also marked as Acyclic, which ensures a query won't accidentally attempt to traverse a relationship that contains cycles.

Events are propagated along the edges of traversable relationships. A typical example of this is when a component value is changed on a prefab. The event of this change will be propagated by traversing the IsA relationship downwards, for all instances of the prefab. Event propagation does not happen for relationships that are not marked with Traversable.

Exclusive trait

The Exclusive trait enforces that an entity can have only a single instance of a relationship. When a second instance is added, it replaces the first instance. An example of a relationship with the Exclusive trait is the builtin ChildOf relationship:

  • C

    ecs_add_pair(world, child, EcsChildOf, parent_a);
    ecs_add_pair(world, child, EcsChildOf, parent_b); // replaces (ChildOf, parent_a)

  • C++

    e.child_of(parent_b); // replaces (ChildOf, parent_a)
    const Self & child_of(entity_t second) const
    Shortcut for add(ChildOf, entity).
    Definition builder.hpp:230

  • C#

    e.ChildOf(parentB); // replaces (ChildOf, parentA)

  • Rust

    let parent_a = world.entity();
    let parent_b = world.entity();
    e.child_of_id(parent_b); // replaces (ChildOf, parent_a)

To create a custom exclusive relationship, add the Exclusive trait:

  • C

    ecs_entity_t MarriedTo = ecs_new(world);
    ecs_add_id(world, MarriedTo, EcsExclusive);
    const ecs_entity_t EcsExclusive
    Can be added to relationship to indicate that the relationship can only occur once on an entity.

  • C++

    flecs::entity MarriedTo = world.entity()

  • C#

    Entity marriedTo = world.Entity()

  • Rust

    let married_to = world.entity().add_trait::<flecs::Exclusive>();

CanToggle trait

The CanToggle trait allows a component to be toggled. Component toggling can (temporarily) disable a component, which excludes it from queries. Component toggling can be used as a cheaper alternative to adding/removing as toggling relies on setting a bitset, and doesn't require the entity to be moved between tables. Component toggling can also be used to restore a component with its old value.

Queries treat a disabled component as if the entity doesn't have it. CanToggle components add a small amount of overhead to query evaluation, even for entities that did not toggle their component.

The following example shows how to use the CanToggle trait:

  • C

    ECS_COMPONENT(world, Position);
    ecs_add_id(world, ecs_id(Position), EcsCanToggle);
    ecs_entity_t e = ecs_insert(world, ecs_value(Position, {10, 20}));
    ecs_enable_component(world, e, Position, false); // Disable component
    assert(!ecs_is_enabled(world, e, Position));
    ecs_enable_component(world, e, Position, true); // Enable component
    assert(ecs_is_enabled(world, e, Position));
    const ecs_entity_t EcsCanToggle
    Mark a component as toggleable with ecs_enable_id().

  • C++

    flecs::entity e = world.entity().set(Position{10, 20});
    e.disable<Position>(); // Disable component
    e.enable<Position>(); // Enable component
    const Self & disable() const
    Disable an entity.
    Definition builder.hpp:555
    const Self & enable() const
    Enable an entity.
    Definition builder.hpp:546

  • C#

    Entity e = world.Entity()
    .Set<Position>(new(10, 20));
    e.Disable<Position>(); // Disable component
    e.Enable<Position>(); // Enable component

  • Rust

    let e = world.entity().set(Position { x: 10.0, y: 20.0 });
    e.disable::<Position>(); // Disable component
    e.enable::<Position>(); // Enable component

Union trait

The Union is similar to Exclusive in that it enforces that an entity can have only a single instance of a relationship. The difference between Exclusive and Union is that Union combines different relationship targets in a single table. This reduces table fragmentation, and as a result speeds up add/remove operations. This increase in add/remove speed does come at a cost: iterating a query with union terms is more expensive than iterating a regular relationship.

The API for using the Union trait is similar to regular relationships, as this example shows:

  • C

    ecs_entity_t Movement = ecs_new(world);
    ecs_add_id(world, Movement, EcsUnion);
    ecs_entity_t Walking = ecs_new(world);
    ecs_entity_t Running = ecs_new(world);
    ecs_entity_t e = ecs_new(world);
    ecs_add_pair(world, e, Movement, Running);
    ecs_add_pair(world, e, Movement, Walking); // replaces (Movement, Running)
    const ecs_entity_t EcsUnion
    Mark relationship as union.

  • C++

    flecs::entity Movement = world.entity().add(flecs::Union);
    flecs::entity Walking = world.entity();
    flecs::entity Running = world.entity();
    flecs::entity e = world.entity().add(Movement, Running);
    e.add(Movement, Walking); // replaces (Movement, Running)

  • C#

    Entity movement = world.Entity().Add(Ecs.Union);
    Entity walking = world.Entity();
    Entity running = world.Entity();
    Entity e = world.Entity().Add(movement, running);
    e.Add(movement, walking); // replaces (Movement, Running)

  • Rust

    let movement = world.entity().add_trait::<flecs::Union>();
    let walking = world.entity();
    let running = world.entity();
    let e = world.entity().add_id((movement, running));
    e.add_id((movement, walking)); // replaces (Movement, Running)

When compared to regular relationships, union relationships have some differences and limitations:

  • Relationship cleanup does not work yet for union relationships
  • Removing a union relationship removes any target, even if the specified target is different
  • Union relationships cannot have data

Sparse trait

The Sparse trait configures a component to use sparse storage. Sparse components are stored outside of tables, which means they do not have to be moved. Sparse components are also guaranteed to have stable pointers, which means that a component pointer is not invalidated when an entity moves to a new table. ECS operations and queries work as expected with sparse components.

Sparse components trade in query speed for component add/remove speed. Adding and removing sparse components still requires an archetype change.

They also enable storage of non-movable components. Non-movable components in the C++ API are automatically marked as sparse.

The following code example shows how to mark a component as sparse:

  • C

    ECS_COMPONENT(world, Position);
    ecs_add_id(world, ecs_id(Position), EcsSparse);
    const ecs_entity_t EcsSparse
    Mark component as sparse.

  • C++


  • C#


  • Rust


Symmetric trait

The Symmetric trait enforces that when a relationship (R, Y) is added to entity X, the relationship (R, X) will be added to entity Y. The reverse is also true, if relationship (R, Y) is removed from X, relationship (R, X) will be removed from Y.

The symmetric trait is useful for relationships that do not make sense unless they are bidirectional. Examples of such relationships are AlliesWith, MarriedTo, TradingWith and so on. An example:

  • C

    ecs_entity_t Bob = ecs_new(world);
    ecs_entity_t Alice = ecs_new(world);
    ecs_add_pair(world, Bob, MarriedTo, Alice); // Also adds (MarriedTo, Bob) to Alice
    const ecs_entity_t EcsSymmetric
    Marks relationship as commutative.

  • C++

    auto MarriedTo = world.entity().add(flecs::Symmetric);
    auto Bob = ecs.entity();
    auto Alice = ecs.entity();
    Bob.add(MarriedTo, Alice); // Also adds (MarriedTo, Bob) to Alice

  • C#

    Entity marriedTo = world.Entity().Add(Ecs.Symmetric);
    Entity bob = ecs.Entity();
    Entity alice = ecs.Entity();
    Bob.Add(marriedTo, alice); // Also adds (MarriedTo, Bob) to Alice

  • Rust

    let married_to = world.entity().add_trait::<flecs::Symmetric>();
    let bob = world.entity();
    let alice = world.entity();
    bob.add_id((married_to, alice)); // Also adds (MarriedTo, Bob) to Alice

With trait

The With relationship can be added to components to indicate that it must always come together with another component. The following example shows how With can be used with regular components/tags:

  • C

    ecs_entity_t Responsibility = ecs_new(world);
    ecs_entity_t Power = ecs_new_w_pair(world, EcsWith, Responsibility);
    // Create new entity that has both Power and Responsibility
    ecs_entity_t e = ecs_new_w_id(world, Power);

  • C++

    auto Responsibility = world.entity();
    auto Power = world.entity().add(flecs::With, Responsibility);
    // Create new entity that has both Power and Responsibility
    auto e = world.entity().add(Power);

  • C#

    Entity responsibility = world.Entity();
    Entity power = world.Entity().Add(Ecs.With, responsibility);
    // Create new entity that has both Power and Responsibility
    Entity e = world.Entity().Add(power);

  • Rust

    let responsibility = world.entity();
    let power = world.entity().add_first::<flecs::With>(responsibility);
    // Create new entity that has both Power and Responsibility
    let e = world.entity().add_id(power);

When the With relationship is added to a relationship, the additional id added to the entity will be a relationship pair as well, with the same target as the original relationship:

  • C

    ecs_entity_t Likes = ecs_new(world);
    ecs_entity_t Loves = ecs_new_w_pair(world, EcsWith, Likes);
    ecs_entity_t Pears = ecs_new(world);
    // Create new entity with both (Loves, Pears) and (Likes, Pears)
    ecs_entity_t e = ecs_new_w_pair(world, Loves, Pears);

  • C++

    auto Likes = world.entity();
    auto Loves = world.entity().add(flecs::With, Likes);
    auto Pears = world.entity();
    // Create new entity with both (Loves, Pears) and (Likes, Pears)
    auto e = world.entity().add(Loves, Pears);

  • C#

    Entity likes = world.Entity();
    Entity loves = world.Entity().Add(Ecs.With, likes);
    Entity pears = world.Entity();
    // Create new entity with both (Loves, Pears) and (Likes, Pears)
    Entity e = world.Entity().Add(loves, pears);

  • Rust

    let likes = world.entity();
    let loves = world.entity().add_trait::<(flecs::With, Likes)>();
    let pears = world.entity();
    // Create new entity with both (Loves, Pears) and (Likes, Pears)
    let e = world.entity().add_id((loves, pears));

OneOf trait

The OneOf trait enforces that the target of the relationship is a child of a specified entity. OneOf can be used to indicate that the target needs to be either a child of the relationship (common for enum relationships), or of another entity.

The following example shows how to constrain the relationship target to a child of the relationship:

  • C

    ecs_entity_t Food = ecs_new(world);
    // Enforce that target of relationship is child of Food
    ecs_add_id(world, Food, EcsOneOf);
    ecs_entity_t Apples = ecs_new_w_pair(world, EcsChildOf, Food);
    ecs_entity_t Fork = ecs_new(world);
    // This is ok, Apples is a child of Food
    ecs_entity_t a = ecs_new_w_pair(world, Food, Apples);
    // This is not ok, Fork is not a child of Food
    ecs_entity_t b = ecs_new_w_pair(world, Food, Fork);
    const ecs_entity_t EcsOneOf
    Ensure that relationship target is child of specified entity.

  • C++

    // Enforce that target of relationship is child of Food
    auto Food = world.entity().add(flecs::OneOf);
    auto Apples = world.entity().child_of(Food);
    auto Fork = world.entity();
    // This is ok, Apples is a child of Food
    auto a = world.entity().add(Food, Apples);
    // This is not ok, Fork is not a child of Food
    auto b = world.entity().add(Food, Fork);

  • C#

    // Enforce that target of relationship is child of Food
    Entity food = world.Entity().Add(Ecs.OneOf);
    Entity apples = world.Entity().ChildOf(food);
    Entity fork = world.Entity();
    // This is ok, Apples is a child of Food
    Entity a = world.Entity().Add(food, apples);
    // This is not ok, Fork is not a child of Food
    Entity b = world.Entity().Add(food, fork);

  • Rust

    // Enforce that target of relationship is child of Food
    let food = world.entity().add_trait::<flecs::OneOf>();
    let apples = world.entity().child_of_id(food);
    let fork = world.entity();
    // This is ok, Apples is a child of Food
    let a = world.entity().add_id((food, apples));
    // This is not ok, Fork is not a child of Food
    let b = world.entity().add_id((food, fork));

The following example shows how OneOf can be used to enforce that the relationship target is the child of an entity other than the relationship:

  • C

    ecs_entity_t Food = ecs_new(world);
    ecs_entity_t Eats = ecs_new(world);
    // Enforce that target of relationship is child of Food
    ecs_add_pair(world, Eats, EcsOneOf, Food);
    ecs_entity_t Apples = ecs_new_w_pair(world, EcsChildOf, Food);
    ecs_entity_t Fork = ecs_new(world);
    // This is ok, Apples is a child of Food
    ecs_entity_t a = ecs_new_w_pair(world, Eats, Apples);
    // This is not ok, Fork is not a child of Food
    ecs_entity_t b = ecs_new_w_pair(world, Eats, Fork);

  • C++

    // Enforce that target of relationship is child of Food
    auto Food = world.entity();
    auto Eats = world.entity().add(flecs::OneOf, Food);
    auto Apples = world.entity().child_of(Food);
    auto Fork = world.entity();
    // This is ok, Apples is a child of Food
    auto a = world.entity().add(Eats, Apples);
    // This is not ok, Fork is not a child of Food
    auto b = world.entity().add(Eats, Fork);

  • C#

    // Enforce that target of relationship is child of Food
    Entity food = world.Entity();
    Entity eats = world.Entity().Add(Ecs.OneOf, food);
    Entity apples = world.Entity().ChildOf(food);
    Entity fork = world.Entity();
    // This is ok, Apples is a child of Food
    Entity a = world.Entity().Add(eats, apples);
    // This is not ok, Fork is not a child of Food
    Entity b = world.Entity().Add(eats, fork);

  • Rust

    // Enforce that target of relationship is child of Food
    let food = world.entity();
    let eats = world.entity().add_first::<flecs::OneOf>(food);
    let apples = world.entity().child_of_id(food);
    let fork = world.entity();
    // This is ok, Apples is a child of Food
    let a = world.entity().add_id((eats, apples));
    // This is not ok, Fork is not a child of Food
    let b = world.entity().add_id((eats, fork));