Flecs v4.0
A fast entity component system (ECS) for C & C++
No Matches
Migration guide

This guide will help migrating Flecs v3 code bases over to Flecs v4. While the guide attempts to be as complete as possible, v4 is a big release, so some things are inevitably missed. If you see something that you think belongs in the migration guide, feel free to create a PR!

Note that this is not a comprehensive list of things that changed in v4. This document only intends to document the breaking changes between v3 and v4.


The three query implementations in v3 (filter, query, rule) have been merged into a single query API in v4. This means that any usage of filter and rule should now be replaced with query.

Additionally the following things have changed:

  • Query fields now start from 0 instead of 1(!)
  • ecs_term_id_t is now called ecs_term_ref_t.
  • Term ref flags (such as self, up) are now applied with a bitwise OR mask to ecs_term_ref_t::id.
  • The trav field has been moved from ecs_term_ref_t to ecs_term_t.
  • When query traversal flags such as up are provided, the traversal relationship defaults to ChildOf (this used to be IsA).
  • If no traversal flags are provided, the default is still self|up(IsA) for inheritable components.
  • The ecs_query_desc_t::instanced member no longer exists. Instancing must be specified with a query flag (.flags = EcsQueryIsInstanced).
  • Stack-allocated query (filter) objects are no longer supported.
  • It is no longer possible to provide user-allocated term arrays. The max number of terms is now 32 and can be configured with FLECS_TERM_COUNT_MAX.
  • The ecs_query_changed function has been split up into a function that only accepts a query (ecs_query_changed) and one that only accepts an iterator (ecs_iter_changed).
  • The ecs_query_skip function has been renamed to ecs_iter_skip.
  • The ecs_query_set_group function has been renamed to ecs_iter_set_group.
  • The values in the ecs_iter_t::columns array have changed, and may change again in the near future. Applications should not directly depend on it.
  • The EcsParent convenience constant is gone, and can now be replaced with just EcsUp.
  • ecs_query_desc_t::group_by_id has been renamed to ecs_query_desc_t::group_by
  • ecs_query_desc_t::group_by has been renamed to ecs_query_desc_t::group_by_callback
  • ecs_query_desc_t::order_by_component has been renamed to ecs_query_desc_t::order_by
  • ecs_query_desc_t::order_by has been renamed to ecs_query_desc_t::order_by_callback
  • ecs_query_desc_t::filter no longer exists, its fields (where applicable) have been moved to ecs_query_desc_t.
  • The ecs_query_next_table and ecs_query_populate functions have been removed.
  • The ecs_query_table_count and ecs_query_empty_table_count functions have been replaced with ecs_query_count, which now returns a struct.
  • The ecs_query_t struct is now public, which means that many of the old accessor functions (like ecs_query_get_ctx, ecs_query_get_binding_ctx) are no longer necessary.
  • The subquery feature has been removed.
  • ecs_query_fini() won't be called automatically for uncached queries on world finalization.

A before/after example:

  • C

    // v3
    ecs_filter_t *q = ecs_filter(world, {
    .terms = {
    { .id = ecs_id(Position) }
    { .id = ecs_id(Gravity), .src.id = Game, .src.flags = EcsSelf|EcsUp }
    ecs_iter_t it = ecs_filter_iter(world, q);
    while (ecs_filter_next(&it)) {
    Position *p = ecs_field(&it, Position, 1);
    Gravity *g = ecs_field(&it, Gravity, 2);
    for (int i = 0; i < it.count; i ++) {
    // ...
    FLECS_API const ecs_entity_t ecs_id(EcsDocDescription)
    Component id for EcsDocDescription.
    #define EcsUp
    Match by traversing upwards.
    Definition flecs.h:723
    #define EcsSelf
    Match on self.
    Definition flecs.h:717
    Definition flecs.h:1136
    // v4
    ecs_query_t *q = ecs_query(world, {
    .terms = {
    { .id = ecs_id(Position) }
    { .id = ecs_id(Gravity), .src.id = Game|EcsSelf|EcsUp }
    ecs_iter_t it = ecs_query_iter(world, f);
    while (ecs_query_next(&it)) {
    Position *p = ecs_field(&it, Position, 0);
    Gravity *g = ecs_field(&it, Gravity, 1);
    for (int i = 0; i < it.count; i ++) {
    // ...
    #define ecs_query(world,...)
    Shorthand for creating a query with ecs_query_cache_init.
    Definition flecs_c.h:278
    bool ecs_query_next(ecs_iter_t *it)
    Progress query iterator.
    void ecs_query_fini(ecs_query_t *query)
    Delete a query.
    ecs_iter_t ecs_query_iter(const ecs_world_t *world, const ecs_query_t *query)
    Create a query iterator.
    Queries are lists of constraints (terms) that match entities.
    Definition flecs.h:813

  • C++

    // v3
    auto q = world.filter_builder<Position, Gravity>()
    q.each([](Position& p, Gravity& v) {
    // ...
    // v4
    auto q = world.query_builder<Position, Gravity>()
    q.each([](Position& p, Gravity& v) {
    // ...


In v3, a query was always cached. In v4, by default queries are created uncached. There are three conditions under which queries become cached:

  • When a cache kind is configured that specifies caching
  • When the query is associated with an entity
  • When order_by, group_by or cascade is used

System queries are cached by default (they are always associated with the system entity). See the query manual for more details. The following example shows the difference between creating a cached query in v3 and v4:

  • C

    // v3
    ecs_query_t *q = ecs_query(world, {
    .filter.terms = {
    { .id = ecs_id(Position) },
    { .id = ecs_id(Velocity) },
    // v4
    // Create cached query with cache kind
    ecs_query_t *q = ecs_query(world, {
    .terms = {
    { .id = ecs_id(Position) },
    { .id = ecs_id(Velocity) },
    .cache_kind = EcsQueryCacheAuto // cache terms that are cacheable
    // Create cached query with associated entity
    ecs_query_t *q = ecs_query(world, {
    .entity = ecs_entity(world, { .name = "MyQuery" }),
    .terms = {
    { .id = ecs_id(Position) },
    { .id = ecs_id(Velocity) },
    #define ecs_entity(world,...)
    Shorthand for creating an entity with ecs_entity_init().
    Definition flecs_c.h:235
    @ EcsQueryCacheAuto
    Cache query terms that are cacheable.
    Definition flecs.h:706

  • C++

    // v3
    auto q = world.query<Position, Velocity>();
    // v4
    // Create cached query with cache kind
    auto q = world.query_builder<Position, Velocity>()
    // Create cached query with associated entity
    auto q = world.query<Position, Velocity>("MyQuery");

Iter function

In C++, the iter iteration function no longer exists, and the signature of the run function has changed. An example:

// v3
auto q = world.query<Position>();
q.iter([](flecs::iter& it, Position *p) {
for (auto i : it) {
p[i].x ++;
Class for iterating over query results.
Definition iter.hpp:68
// v4
auto q = world.query<Position>();
q.run([](flecs::iter& it) {
while (it.next()) {
auto p = it.field<Position>(0);
for (auto i : it) {
p[i].x ++;
flecs::field< A > field(int8_t index) const
Get readonly access to field data.
Definition iter.hpp:68
bool next()
Progress iterator.
Definition iter.hpp:376

Query DSL

The query DSL has remained mostly the same but there are a few small changes.

Traversal flags are specified differently in v4:

// v3
// v4
Gravity(game|self|up ChildOf)

Component id flags are now specified with lower case:

// v3
OVERRIDE | Position
// v4
auto_override | Position

In v4 the $this variable must be specified with a lower case:

// v3
// v4

The parent traversal flag has been removed. Because ChildOf is now the default relationship when a traversal flag is specified, it can be replaced with just up:

// v3
// v4

The $(Relationship) notation was removed from the DSL in v4:

// v3
// v4
(Movement, $Movement)

Systems & Pipelines

Systems have remained mostly the same. A list of the things that changed:

  • ecs_readonly_begin got a new multi_threaded parameter (added in 3.2.12)
  • no_readonly has been renamed to immediate


Observers have remained mostly the same. A list of the things that changed:

  • The UnSet event no longer exists. OnRemove can in v4 be used instead.
  • The EcsIterable component/iterable interface no longer exist. yield_existing is now only supported for builtin events.
  • The observer run callback now behaves like a regular system runner and no longer requires calling ecs_observer_default_run_action. To get the old behavior where run is called before the observer query is evaluated, specify the EcsObserverBypassQuery observer flag.

Term iterators

Term iterators have been removed from v4, and have been replaced with the easier to use ecs_each API. An example:

// v3
ecs_iter_t it = ecs_term_iter(world, &(ecs_term_t){ .id = ecs_id(Position) });
while (ecs_term_next(&it)) {
Position *p = ecs_field(&it, Position, 1);
for (int i = 0; i < it.count; i ++) {
// ...
int32_t count
Number of entities to iterate.
Definition flecs.h:1186
Type that describes a term (single element in a query).
Definition flecs.h:789
// v4
ecs_iter_t it = ecs_each(world, Position);
while (ecs_each_next(&it)) {
Position *p = ecs_field(&it, Position, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < it.count; i ++) {
// ...
bool ecs_each_next(ecs_iter_t *it)
Progress an iterator created with ecs_each_id().

Entity Names

Entities can now be created with names that are numbers, e.g. 1000. Lookups for numbers now result in a regular by name lookup for an entity with the number as name. To lookup an entity with a specific id using the lookup functions, use the # prefix. An example:

Additionally, entity name functions have changed:

  • ecs_get_fullpath is now ecs_get_path
  • ecs_get_path is now ecs_get_path_from
  • ecs_lookup_fullpath is now ecs_lookup
  • ecs_lookup_path is now ecs_lookup_from

ensure / get_mut

These changes got introduced in 3.2.12, but are mentioned here as many users will likely see these changes first when upgrading to v4:

  • ensure is renamed to make_alive
  • ensure_id is renamed to make_alive_id
  • the return type of get_mut in the C++ API is changed from a T* to a T&
  • get_mut is renamed to ensure
  • a new get_mut function is added that doesn't add the component


The following changes were made to the new family of functions in the C API:

  • ecs_new(world, T) got renamed to ecs_new_w
  • ecs_new_id got renamed to ecs_new
  • ecs_new_entity no longer exists, use ecs_entity(world, { .name = "EntityName" }) instead.

In v3, ecs_new took into account values set by ecs_set_scope and ecs_set_with. In v4 this is no longer the case, and the ecs_new_w function will only return the entity with the specified component. To get the old behavior that takes into account scope and with, use ecs_entity_init.

Flecs Script

The Flecs script syntax changed how components and entities are specified:

// v3
ent {
- Position{10, 20}
// v4
ent {
Position: {10, 20}
child {}

For more details, see the Flecs script manual.


In v4, components no longer inherit by default when instantiating a prefab. Instead, components by default override, which is equivalent to how auto overriding worked in v3. To inherit a component, add the (OnInstantiate, Inherit) trait to the component.

The EcsDontInherit v3 trait is equivalent to the (OnInstantiate, DontInherit) v4 trait. The EcsAlwaysOverride v3 trait is now the default in v4. It can also be explicitly specified as (OnInstantiate, Override).

An example:

  • C

    // v3
    ecs_entity_t p = ecs_new_prefab(world, "SpaceShip");
    ecs_set(world, p, MaxSpeed, {100});
    ecs_set(world, p, Damage, {0});
    ecs_override(world, p, Damage);
    ecs_entity_t i = ecs_new_w_pair(world, EcsIsA, p);
    const ecs_entity_t EcsIsA
    Used to express inheritance relationships.
    // v4
    ecs_add_pair(world, ecs_id(MaxSpeed), EcsOnInstantiate, EcsInherit);
    .name = "SpaceShip", .add = ecs_ids(EcsPrefab) });
    ecs_set(world, p, MaxSpeed, {100});
    ecs_set(world, p, Damage, {0});
    ecs_entity_t i = ecs_new_w_pair(world, EcsIsA, p);
    const ecs_entity_t EcsInherit
    Inherit component on instantiate.
    const ecs_entity_t EcsPrefab
    Tag added to prefab entities.
    const ecs_entity_t EcsOnInstantiate
    Relationship that specifies component inheritance behavior.
    #define ecs_ids(...)
    Convenience macro for creating compound literal id array.
    Definition flecs_c.h:720

  • C++

    // v3
    flecs::entity p = world.prefab("SpaceShip")
    flecs::entity i = world.entity().is_a(p);
    // v4
    world.component<MaxSpeed>().add(flecs::OnInstantiate, flecs::Inherit);
    flecs::entity p = world.prefab("SpaceShip")
    flecs::entity i = world.entity().is_a(p);

Additionally, the override operation has been renamed to auto_override.

Component disabling

In v4, components can only be disabled if they have the CanToggle trait. An example:

  • C

    // v3
    ecs_entity_t e = ecs_new_w(world, Position);
    ecs_enable_component(world, e, Position, false);
    // v4
    ecs_add_id(world, ecs_id(Position), EcsCanToggle);
    ecs_entity_t e = ecs_new_w(world, Position);
    ecs_enable_component(world, e, Position, false);
    void ecs_add_id(ecs_world_t *world, ecs_entity_t entity, ecs_id_t id)
    Add a (component) id to an entity.
    const ecs_entity_t EcsCanToggle
    Mark a component as toggleable with ecs_enable_id().

  • C++

    // v3
    .set(Position{10, 20})
    // v4
    .set(Position{10, 20})

Union relationships

In v3, Union relationships where encoded on the entity type with a (Union, Relationship) pair. In v4, union relationships are encoded with a (Relationship, Union) pair.

The API for unions has not changed meaningfully. However, the union storage has changed, which might impact performance (positively or negatively).


The snapshot feature has been removed from v4.

Tree flattening

The tree flattening feature (ecs_flatten) has been removed. It will be replaced eventually with a new implementation that addresses the shortcomings of the old feature.


The following addons have been removed/merged with other addons:

  • FLECS_META_C (merged with FLECS_META)
  • FLECS_EXPR (merged with FLECS_SCRIPT)
  • FLECS_SNAPSHOT (feature got removed)
  • FLECS_RULES (merged with queries)
  • MONITOR (merged with STATS)


  • The EcsTag trait has been renamed to EcsPairIsTag.
  • DefaultChildComponent is now a component (was a tag in v3).
  • The ecs_set_automerge functionality has been removed from v4.
  • The ecs_async_stage_new function has been renamed to ecs_stage_new.
  • ecs_set no longer returns a new entity if 0 is passed (use ecs_insert instead).
  • ecs_set_entity_generation has been renamed to ecs_set_version.
  • The ecs_term_copy/ecs_term_move/ecs_term_fini functions have been removed. Terms no longer exist by themselves, and term resources are now owned by the query object.
  • The ecs_iter_poly function has been removed. To iterate all entities in the world, now use ecs_get_entities.
  • ecs_field_column has been renamed to ecs_field_column_index.
  • ecs_app_desc_t::enable_monitor has been renamed to ecs_app_desc_t::enable_stats.
  • EcsMetaType and EcsMetaTypeSerialized have been renamed to EcsType and EcsTypeSerializer, respectively.
  • ecs_iter_t::terms got removed and is now accessible through ecs_iter_t::query::terms.
  • ecs_entity_desc_t::add and ecs_entity_desc_t::set are no longer arrays but pointers to zero-terminated arrays.
  • ecs_default_ctor has been renamed to flecs_default_ctor.
  • ecs_ensure has been renamed to ecs_make_alive.
  • binding_ctx has been renamed in various structs to callback_ctx.
  • ecs_pair_object has been renamed to ecs_pair_target.
  • ecs_get_context and ecs_set_context have been renamed to ecs_get_ctx and ecs_set_ctx, respectively; and an ecs_ctx_free_t parameter has been added to ecs_set_ctx.
  • ecs_get_stage_id has been renamed to ecs_stage_get_id.