Flecs v4.0
A fast entity component system (ECS) for C & C++
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Prefabs are entities that can be used as templates for other entities. They can provide a convenient API for creating assets natively in the ECS. Prefabs have the following features:

  • Prefab components can be shared across instances
  • Inherited components can be overridden on a per-instance basis
  • Inherited components can be auto-overridden on a per-prefab basis
  • Prefab inheritance makes creating variations easy
  • Prefabs can have children that are instantiated for instances
  • Prefab children can be easily identified with prefab slots
  • Prefabs are runtime accessible and modifiable
  • Prefabs can be mapped to types for easy access in the C++ API
  • Natively supported by Flecs Script & the JSON serializer

The following example shows how to instantiate a simple prefab:

  • ECS_COMPONENT(ecs, Defense);
    // Create a SpaceShip prefab with a Defense component.
    ecs_entity_t SpaceShip = ecs_entity(ecs, {
    .name = "SpaceShip",
    .add = ecs_ids( EcsPrefab )
    ecs_set(ecs, SpaceShip, Defense, {50});
    // Create two prefab instances
    ecs_entity_t inst_1 = ecs_new_w_pair(world, EcsIsA, SpaceShip);
    ecs_entity_t inst_2 = ecs_new_w_pair(world, EcsIsA, SpaceShip);
    // Get instantiated component
    const Defense *d = ecs_get(world, inst_1, Defense);
    const ecs_entity_t EcsIsA
    Used to express inheritance relationships.
    const ecs_entity_t EcsPrefab
    Tag added to prefab entities.
    ecs_id_t ecs_entity_t
    An entity identifier.
    Definition flecs.h:381
    #define ecs_entity(world,...)
    Shorthand for creating an entity with ecs_entity_init().
    Definition flecs_c.h:235
    #define ECS_COMPONENT(world, id)
    Declare & define a component.
    Definition flecs_c.h:145
    #define ecs_ids(...)
    Convenience macro for creating compound literal id array.
    Definition flecs_c.h:720

  • struct Defense {
    float value;
    // Create a SpaceShip prefab with a Defense component.
    flecs::entity SpaceShip = world.prefab("SpaceShip")
    // Create two prefab instances
    flecs::entity inst_1 = world.entity().is_a(SpaceShip);
    flecs::entity inst_2 = world.entity().is_a(SpaceShip);
    // Get instantiated component
    const Defense *d = inst_1.get<Defense>();
    const T * get() const
    Get component value.
    Definition entity.hpp:30

  • public record struct Defense(double Value);
    // Create a SpaceShip prefab with a Defense component.
    Entity spaceship = world.Entity("Spaceship")
    .Set(new Defense(50));
    // Create two prefab instances
    Entity inst1 = world.Entity().IsA(spaceship);
    Entity inst2 = world.Entity().IsA(spaceship);
    // Get instantiated component
    ref readonly Defense attack = ref inst1.Get<Defense>();

  • #[derive(Component)]
    struct Defense {
    value: u32,
    // Create a spaceship prefab with a Defense component.
    let spaceship = world.prefab_named("spaceship").set(Defense { value: 50 });
    // Create two prefab instances
    let inst_1 = world.entity().is_a_id(spaceship);
    let inst_2 = world.entity().is_a_id(spaceship);
    // Get instantiated component
    inst_1.get::<&Defense>(|defense| {
    println!("Defense value: {}", defense.value);

The following sections go over the different aspects of the prefab feature.

The Prefab tag

Prefabs are regular entities with as only difference that prefabs by default are not matched by queries. This allows prefab entities to coexist with regular entities in the same world without impacting game logic. The mechanism used to exclude prefabs from queries is a builtin Prefab tag. The following example shows how to create a prefab:

  • ecs_entity_t myPrefab = ecs_new(world);
    ecs_add_id(world, myPrefab, EcsPrefab);
    void ecs_add_id(ecs_world_t *world, ecs_entity_t entity, ecs_id_t id)
    Add a (component) id to an entity.
    ecs_entity_t ecs_new(ecs_world_t *world)
    Create new entity id.

  • flecs::entity myPrefab = world.entity()
    // or the shortcut
    flecs::entity myPrefab = world.prefab();

  • Entity myPrefab = world.Prefab();

  • let myprefab = world.entity().add::<flecs::Prefab>();
    // or the shortcut
    let myprefab = world.prefab();

Queries don't match prefab entities unless the Prefab tag is explicitly queried for. The following example shows how to match only prefabs by adding the Prefab tag to a query:

  • // Only match prefab entities
    ecs_query_t *q = ecs_query(world, {
    .terms = {
    { ecs_id(Position) },
    FLECS_API const ecs_entity_t ecs_id(EcsDocDescription)
    Component id for EcsDocDescription.
    #define ecs_query(world,...)
    Shorthand for creating a query with ecs_query_cache_init.
    Definition flecs_c.h:278
    Queries are lists of constraints (terms) that match entities.
    Definition flecs.h:813

  • // Only match prefab entities

  • // Only match prefab entities

  • // Only match prefab entities

‍Prefabs are only ignored by queries when they are matched on the $this variable, which is the default for query terms. If a prefab component is matched through query traversal, a fixed term source or variable non-$this source, the query will not ignore the prefab.

To match both regular and prefab entities, make the prefab term optional:

  • // Only match prefab entities
    ecs_query_t *q = ecs_query(world, {
    .terms = {
    { ecs_id(Position) },
    { EcsPrefab, .oper = EcsOptional }
    @ EcsOptional
    The term may match.
    Definition flecs.h:697

  • // Only match prefab entities

  • // Only match prefab entities

  • // Only match prefab entities

Instead of an optional term, queries can also specify a MatchPrefabs flag. This matches the same entities as an optional term, but since the term doesn't need to populate a field slightly improves performance:

  • // Only match prefab entities
    ecs_query_t *q = ecs_query(world, {
    .terms = {
    { ecs_id(Position) }
    #define EcsQueryMatchPrefab
    Query must match prefabs.
    Definition flecs.h:1205

  • // Only match prefab entities

  • world.QueryBuilder()

  • // Only match prefab entities

Component Inheritance

Entities can inherit components from prefabs. Inherited components are only stored once in memory, and shared across instances. This can be useful for static data that's shared across instances, such as material data, textures or meshes.

For a component to be inheritable, it needs to have the (OnInstantiate, Inherit) trait (for more details see the ComponentTraits manual). The following example shows what happens when a prefab with one inheritable and one non-inheritable component is instantiated:

  • ECS_COMPONENT(ecs, Health);
    ECS_COMPONENT(ecs, Defense);
    // Make Defense component inheritable
    ecs_add_pair(world, ecs_id(Defense),
    // Create prefab
    ecs_entity_t SpaceShip = ecs_entity(ecs, {
    .name = "SpaceShip",
    .add = ecs_ids( EcsPrefab )
    ecs_set(ecs, SpaceShip, Defense, {50});
    ecs_set(ecs, SpaceShip, Health, {100});
    // Create prefab instance
    ecs_entity_t inst = ecs_new_w_pair(world, EcsIsA, SpaceShip);
    // Component is retrieved from instance
    const Health *health = ecs_get(world, inst, Health);
    // Component is retrieved from prefab
    const Defense *defense = ecs_get(world, inst, Defense);
    const ecs_entity_t EcsInherit
    Inherit component on instantiate.
    const ecs_entity_t EcsOnInstantiate
    Relationship that specifies component inheritance behavior.

  • // Make Defense component inheritable
    .add(flecs::OnInstantiate, flecs::Inherit);
    // Create prefab
    flecs::entity SpaceShip = world.prefab()
    // Create prefab instance
    flecs::entity inst = world.entity().is_a(SpaceShip);
    // Component is retrieved from instance
    const Health *health = inst.get<Health>();
    // Component is retrieved from prefab
    const Defense *defense = inst.get<Defense>();

  • // Make Defense component inheritable
    .Add(Ecs.OnInstantiate, Ecs.Inherit);
    // Create prefab
    Entity spaceship = world.Prefab("Spaceship")
    // Create a prefab instance
    Entity inst = world.Entity().IsA(spaceship);
    // Component is retrieved from instance
    ref readonly Attack attack = ref inst.Get<Attack>();
    // Component is retrieved from prefab
    ref readonly Defense defense = ref inst.Get<Defense>();

  • // Make Defense component inheritable
    .add_trait::<(flecs::OnInstantiate, flecs::Inherit)>();
    // Create prefab
    let spaceship = world
    .set(Health { value: 100 })
    .set(Defense { value: 50 });
    // Create prefab instance
    let inst = world.entity().is_a_id(spaceship);
    // Component is retrieved from instance
    inst.get::<&Health>(|health| {
    println!("Health value: {}", health.value);
    // Component is retrieved from prefab
    inst.get::<&Defense>(|defense| {
    println!("Defense value: {}", defense.value);

The owns operation can be used to tell whether a component is owned by the instance or inherited from a prefab:

  • if (ecs_owns(world, inst, Defense)) {
    // not inherited

  • if (inst.owns<Defense>()) {
    // not inherited
    bool owns(flecs::id_t e) const
    Check if entity owns the provided entity.

  • if (inst.Owns<Defense>()) {
    // not inherited
  • if inst.owns::<Defense>() {
    // not inherited

The target_for operation can be used to determine from which prefab (or regular entity) a component is inherited:

  • ecs_entity_t inherited_from =
    ecs_target_for(world, inst, Defense);
    if (!inherited_from) {
    // not inherited

  • flecs::entity inherited_from =
    if (!inherited_from) {
    // not inherited
    flecs::entity target_for(flecs::entity_t relationship, flecs::id_t id) const
    Get the target of a pair for a given relationship id.
    Definition impl.hpp:66

  • Entity inheritedFrom = inst.TargetFor<Defense>();
    if (inheritedFrom == 0) {
    // not inherited

  • let inherited_from = inst.target::<Defense>(0);
    if inherited_from.is_none() {
    // not inherited

Component Overriding

When an instance inherits a component from a prefab, it can be overridden with a value that's specific to the instance. To override a component, simply add or set it on the instance. The following example shows how:

  • ECS_COMPONENT(ecs, Defense);
    // Make Defense component inheritable
    ecs_add_pair(world, ecs_id(Defense),
    // Create prefab
    ecs_entity_t SpaceShip = ecs_entity(ecs, {
    .name = "SpaceShip",
    .add = ecs_ids( EcsPrefab )
    ecs_set(ecs, SpaceShip, Defense, {50});
    // Create prefab instances
    ecs_entity_t inst_a = ecs_new_w_pair(world, EcsIsA, SpaceShip);
    ecs_entity_t inst_b = ecs_new_w_pair(world, EcsIsA, SpaceShip);
    // Override Defense only for inst_a
    ecs_set(world, inst_a, Defense, {75});

  • // Make Defense component inheritable
    .add(flecs::OnInstantiate, flecs::Inherit);
    // Create prefab
    flecs::entity SpaceShip = world.prefab()
    // Create prefab instance
    flecs::entity inst_a = world.entity().is_a(SpaceShip);
    flecs::entity inst_b = world.entity().is_a(SpaceShip);
    // Override Defense only for inst_a

  • // Make Defense component inheritable
    .Add(Ecs.OnInstantiate, Ecs.Inherit);
    // Create prefab
    Entity spaceship = world.Prefab("Spaceship")
    // Create a prefab instance
    Entity instA = world.Entity().IsA(spaceship);
    Entity instB = world.Entity().IsA(spaceship);
    // Override Defense only for instA
    instA.Set(new Defense(75));

  • // Make Defense component inheritable
    .add_trait::<(flecs::OnInstantiate, flecs::Inherit)>();
    // Create prefab
    let spaceship = world.prefab().set(Defense { value: 50 });
    // Create prefab instance
    let inst_a = world.entity().is_a_id(spaceship);
    let inst_b = world.entity().is_a_id(spaceship);
    // Override Defense only for inst_a
    inst_a.set(Defense { value: 75 });

When a component is overridden by adding it to an instance, the component on the instance is initialized with the value from the prefab component. An example:

  • ECS_COMPONENT(ecs, Defense);
    // Make Defense component inheritable
    ecs_add_pair(world, ecs_id(Defense),
    // Create prefab
    ecs_entity_t SpaceShip = ecs_entity(ecs, {
    .name = "SpaceShip",
    .add = ecs_ids( EcsPrefab )
    ecs_set(ecs, SpaceShip, Defense, {50});
    // Create prefab instances
    ecs_entity_t inst_a = ecs_new_w_pair(world, EcsIsA, SpaceShip);
    ecs_entity_t inst_b = ecs_new_w_pair(world, EcsIsA, SpaceShip);
    // Override Defense only for inst_a
    ecs_add(world, inst_a, Defense); // Initialized with value 50

  • // Make Defense component inheritable
    .add(flecs::OnInstantiate, flecs::Inherit);
    // Create prefab
    flecs::entity SpaceShip = world.prefab()
    // Create prefab instance
    flecs::entity inst_a = world.entity().is_a(SpaceShip);
    flecs::entity inst_b = world.entity().is_a(SpaceShip);
    // Override Defense only for inst_a
    inst_a.add<Defense>(); // Initialized with value 50
    const Self & add() const
    Add a component to an entity.
    Definition builder.hpp:25

  • // Make Defense component inheritable
    .Add(Ecs.OnInstantiate, Ecs.Inherit);
    // Create prefab
    Entity spaceship = world.Prefab("Spaceship")
    // Create a prefab instance
    Entity instA = world.Entity().IsA(spaceship);
    Entity instB = world.Entity().IsA(spaceship);
    // Override Defense only for instA
    instA.Add<Defense>(); // Initialized with value 50

  • // Make Defense component inheritable
    .add_trait::<(flecs::OnInstantiate, flecs::Inherit)>();
    // Create prefab
    let spaceship = world.prefab().set(Defense { value: 50 });
    // Create prefab instance
    let inst_a = world.entity().is_a_id(spaceship);
    let inst_b = world.entity().is_a_id(spaceship);
    // Override Defense only for inst_a
    inst_a.add::<Defense>(); // Initialized with value 50

When an override is removed, the original value of the prefab is reexposed.

Auto Overriding

When a component is configured to be inheritable, sometimes it can still be useful for a specific prefab to have the instances always own the component. This can be achieved with an auto override, which flags a component on the prefab to be always overridden on instantiation:

  • ECS_COMPONENT(ecs, Defense);
    // Make Defense component inheritable
    ecs_add_pair(world, ecs_id(Defense),
    // Create prefab
    ecs_entity_t SpaceShip = ecs_entity(ecs, {
    .name = "SpaceShip",
    .add = ecs_ids( EcsPrefab )
    // Set & auto override Defense
    ecs_set(ecs, SpaceShip, Defense, {50});
    ecs_auto_override(world, SpaceShip, Defense);
    // Create prefab instances
    ecs_entity_t inst = ecs_new_w_pair(world, EcsIsA, SpaceShip);
    ecs_owns(world, inst, Defense); // true

  • // Make Defense component inheritable
    .add(flecs::OnInstantiate, flecs::Inherit);
    // Create prefab
    flecs::entity SpaceShip = world.prefab()
    .set_auto_override(Defense{50}); // Set & auto override Defense
    // Create prefab instance
    flecs::entity inst = world.entity().is_a(SpaceShip);
    inst.owns<Defense>(); // true
    const Self & set_auto_override(const T &val) const
    Set component, mark component for auto-overriding.
    Definition builder.hpp:434

  • // Make Defense component inheritable
    .Add(Ecs.OnInstantiate, Ecs.Inherit);
    // Create prefab
    Entity spaceship = world.Prefab()
    .SetAutoOverride<Defense>(new(50)); // Set & auto override Defense
    // Create prefab instance
    Entity inst = world.Entity().IsA(spaceship);
    inst.Owns<Defense>(); // true

  • // Make Defense component inheritable
    .add_trait::<(flecs::OnInstantiate, flecs::Inherit)>();
    // Create prefab
    let spaceship = world.prefab().set_auto_override(Defense { value: 50 }); // Set & auto override Defense
    // Create prefab instance
    let inst = world.entity().is_a_id(spaceship);
    inst.owns::<Defense>(); // true

Auto overrides can also be added to prefabs that don't have the actual component. In this case the component is not copied from the prefab (there is nothing to copy), but is added & default constructed on the instance.

This also works for prefab children. Adding an auto override to a child entity without adding the component will add & default construct the component on the instance child.

Prefab Variants

Prefabs can inherit from each other to create prefab variations without duplicating the prefab data. The following example shows a prefab and a prefab variant.

  • ECS_COMPONENT(ecs, Health);
    ECS_COMPONENT(ecs, Defense);
    // Create prefab
    ecs_entity_t SpaceShip = ecs_entity(ecs, {
    .name = "SpaceShip",
    .add = ecs_ids( EcsPrefab )
    ecs_set(ecs, SpaceShip, Defense, {50});
    ecs_set(ecs, SpaceShip, Health, {100});
    // Create prefab variant
    ecs_entity_t freighter = ecs_entity(ecs, {
    .name = "Freighter",
    .add = ecs_ids( EcsPrefab, ecs_isa(SpaceShip) )
    // Override the Health component of the freighter
    ecs_set(ecs, freighter, Health, {150});
    // Create prefab instance
    ecs_entity_t inst = ecs_new_w_pair(world, EcsIsA, Freighter);
    const Health *health = ecs_get(world, inst, Health); // 150
    const Defense *defense = ecs_get(world, inst, Defense); // 50

  • // Create prefab
    flecs::entity SpaceShip = world.prefab("SpaceShip")
    // Create prefab variant
    flecs::entity Freighter = world.prefab("Freighter")
    .set(Health{150}); // Override the Health component of the freighter
    // Create prefab instance
    flecs::entity inst = world.entity().is_a(Freighter);
    const Health *health = inst.get<Health>(); // 150
    const Defense *defense = inst.get<Defense>(); // 50
    const Self & is_a(entity_t second) const
    Shortcut for add(IsA, entity).
    Definition builder.hpp:213

  • // Create prefab
    Entity spaceship = world.Prefab("Spaceship")
    // Create prefab variant
    Entity freighter = world.Prefab("Freighter")
    .Set<Health>(new(150)); // Override the Health component of the freighter
    // Create prefab instance
    Entity inst = world.Entity().IsA(freighter);
    ref readonly Health health = ref inst.Get<Health>(); // 150
    ref readonly Defense defense = ref inst.Get<Defense>(); // 50

  • // Create prefab
    let spaceship = world
    .set(Defense { value: 50 })
    .set(Health { value: 100 });
    // Create prefab variant
    let freighter = world
    .set(Health { value: 150 }); // Override the Health component of the freighter
    // Create prefab instance
    let inst = world.entity().is_a_id(freighter);
    inst.get::<&Health>(|health| {
    println!("Health value: {}", health.value); // 150
    inst.get::<&Defense>(|defense| {
    println!("Defense value: {}", defense.value); // 50

Prefab Hierarchies

When a prefab has children, the entire subtree of a prefab is copied to the instance. Other than with the instance itself where components can be inherited from a prefab, child entities never inherit components from prefab children. Prefab hierarchies are created in the same way as entity hierarchies:

  • // Create a prefab hierarchy.
    ecs_entity_t SpaceShip = ecs_entity(ecs, {
    .name = "SpaceShip",
    .add = ecs_ids( EcsPrefab )
    ecs_entity_t Cockpit = ecs_entity(ecs, {
    .name = "Cockpit",
    .parent = SpaceShip, // shortcut to add_pair(EcsChildOf)
    .add = ecs_ids( EcsPrefab )
    // Instantiate the prefab hierarchy
    ecs_entity_t inst = ecs_new_w_pair(world, EcsIsA, SpaceShip);
    // Lookup instantiated child
    ecs_entity_t inst_cockpit = ecs_lookup_child(ecs, inst, "Cockpit");
    ecs_entity_t ecs_lookup_child(const ecs_world_t *world, ecs_entity_t parent, const char *name)
    Lookup a child entity by name.

  • flecs::entity SpaceShip = world.prefab("SpaceShip");
    flecs::entity Cockpit = world.prefab("Cockpit")
    // Instantiate the prefab hierarchy
    flecs::entity inst = ecs.entity().is_a(SpaceShip);
    // Lookup instantiated child
    flecs::entity inst_cockpit = inst.lookup("Cockpit");
    const Self & child_of(entity_t second) const
    Shortcut for add(ChildOf, entity).
    Definition builder.hpp:230
    flecs::entity lookup(const char *path, bool search_path=false) const
    Lookup an entity by name.
    Definition impl.hpp:188

  • Entity spaceship = world.Prefab("Spaceship");
    Entity cockpit = world.Prefab("Cockpit")
    // Instantiate the prefab hierarchy
    Entity inst = ecs.Entity().IsA(spaceship);
    // Lookup instantiated child
    Entity instCockpit = inst.Lookup("Cockpit");

  • let spaceship = world.prefab_named("spaceship");
    let cockpit = world.prefab_named("Cockpit").child_of_id(spaceship);
    // Instantiate the prefab hierarchy
    let inst = world.entity().is_a_id(spaceship);
    // Lookup instantiated child
    let inst_cockpit = inst.lookup("Cockpit");

Prefab Slots

When a prefab hierarchy is instantiated often code will want to refer to a specific instantiated child. A typical example is a turret prefab with a turret head that needs to rotate.

While it is possible to lookup a child by name and store it on a component, this adds boilerplate and reduces efficiency. Prefab slots make this easier.

A prefab child can be created as a slot. Slots are created as relationships on the instance, with as target of the relationship the instantiated child. The slot is added as a union relationship which doesn't fragment archetypes.

The following example shows how to create and use a prefab slot:

  • // Create a prefab hierarchy.
    ecs_entity_t SpaceShip = ecs_entity(ecs, {
    .name = "SpaceShip",
    .add = ecs_ids( EcsPrefab )
    ecs_entity_t Cockpit = ecs_entity(ecs, {
    .name = "Cockpit",
    .parent = SpaceShip,
    .add = ecs_ids(
    ecs_pair(EcsSlotOf, SpaceShip) // mark as slot
    // Instantiate the prefab hierarchy
    ecs_entity_t inst = ecs_new_w_pair(world, EcsIsA, SpaceShip);
    // Lookup instantiated child
    ecs_entity_t inst_cockpit = ecs_target(world, inst, Cockpit, 0);
    const ecs_entity_t EcsSlotOf
    Used to express a slot (used with prefab inheritance)

  • flecs::entity SpaceShip = world.prefab("SpaceShip");
    flecs::entity Cockpit = world.prefab("Cockpit")
    .slot(); // Defaults to (SlotOf, SpaceShip)
    // Instantiate the prefab hierarchy
    flecs::entity inst = ecs.entity().is_a(SpaceShip);
    // Lookup instantiated child
    flecs::entity inst_cockpit = inst.target(CockPit);
    const Self & slot() const
    Shortcut for add(SlotOf, target(ChildOf)).
    Definition builder.hpp:263
    flecs::entity target(int32_t index=0) const
    Get target for a given pair.
    Definition impl.hpp:52

  • Entity spaceship = world.Prefab("Spaceship");
    Entity cockpit = world.Prefab("Cockpit")
    // Instantiate the prefab hierarchy
    Entity inst = ecs.Entity().IsA(spaceship);
    // Lookup instantiated child
    Entity instCockpit = inst.Target(cockpit);

  • let spaceship = world.prefab_named("Spaceship");
    let cockpit = world.prefab_named("Cockpit").child_of_id(spaceship).slot(); // Defaults to (SlotOf, spaceship)
    // Instantiate the prefab hierarchy
    let inst = world.entity().is_a_id(spaceship);
    // Lookup instantiated child
    let inst_cockpit = inst.target_id(cockpit, 0);

Prefab Types (C++, C#)

Like entities and components, prefabs can be associated with a C++ type. This makes it easier to instantiate prefabs as it is not necessary to pass prefab handles around in the application. The following example shows how to associate types with prefabs:

  • struct SpaceShip {};
    // Create prefab associated with the SpaceShip type
    .set<Defense>({ 50 })
    .set<Health>({ 100 });
    // Instantiate prefab with type
    flecs::entity inst = world.entity()
    // Lookup prefab handle
    flecs::entity prefab = world.lookup("SpaceShip");

  • public struct Spaceship { }
    // Create prefab associated with the Spaceship type
    // Instantiate prefab with type
    Entity inst = world.Entity()
    // Lookup prefab handle
    Entity prefab = world.Lookup("Spaceship");

  • #[derive(Component)]
    struct Spaceship;
    // Create prefab associated with the spaceship type
    .set(Defense { value: 50 })
    .set(Health { value: 100 });
    // Instantiate prefab with type
    let inst = world.entity().is_a::<Spaceship>();
    // Lookup prefab handle
    let prefab = world.lookup("spaceship");