Flecs v4.0
A fast entity component system (ECS) for C & C++
No Matches
flecs::world Struct Reference

The world. More...

#include <world.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for flecs::world:

Public Member Functions

 world ()
 Create world.
 world (int argc, char *argv[])
 Create world with command line arguments.
 world (world_t *w)
 Create world from C world.
 world (const world &obj)
 Not allowed to copy a world.
worldoperator= (const world &obj) noexcept
 world (world &&obj) noexcept
worldoperator= (world &&obj) noexcept
void release ()
 operator world_t * () const
void make_owner ()
 Make current world object owner of the world.
void reset ()
 Deletes and recreates the world.
world_t * c_ptr () const
 Obtain pointer to C world object.
void quit () const
 Signal application should quit.
void atfini (ecs_fini_action_t action, void *ctx=nullptr) const
 Register action to be executed when world is destroyed.
bool should_quit () const
 Test if quit() has been called.
ecs_ftime_t frame_begin (float delta_time=0) const
 Begin frame.
void frame_end () const
 End frame.
bool readonly_begin (bool multi_threaded=false) const
 Begin readonly mode.
void readonly_end () const
 End readonly mode.
bool defer_begin () const
 Defer operations until end of frame.
bool defer_end () const
 End block of operations to defer.
bool is_deferred () const
 Test whether deferring is enabled.
void set_stage_count (int32_t stages) const
 Configure world to have N stages.
int32_t get_stage_count () const
 Get number of configured stages.
int32_t get_stage_id () const
 Get current stage id.
bool is_stage () const
 Test if is a stage.
void merge () const
 Merge world or stage.
flecs::world get_stage (int32_t stage_id) const
 Get stage-specific world pointer.
flecs::world async_stage () const
 Create asynchronous stage.
flecs::world get_world () const
 Get actual world.
bool is_readonly () const
 Test whether the current world object is readonly.
void set_ctx (void *ctx, ecs_ctx_free_t ctx_free=nullptr) const
 Set world context.
void * get_ctx () const
 Get world context.
void set_binding_ctx (void *ctx, ecs_ctx_free_t ctx_free=nullptr) const
 Set world binding context.
void * get_binding_ctx () const
 Get world binding context.
void dim (int32_t entity_count) const
 Preallocate memory for number of entities.
void set_entity_range (entity_t min, entity_t max) const
 Set entity range.
void enable_range_check (bool enabled=true) const
 Enforce that operations cannot modify entities outside of range.
flecs::entity set_scope (const flecs::entity_t scope) const
 Set current scope.
flecs::entity get_scope () const
 Get current scope.
template<typename T >
flecs::entity set_scope () const
 Same as set_scope but with type.
flecs::entity_t * set_lookup_path (const flecs::entity_t *search_path) const
 Set search path.
flecs::entity lookup (const char *name, const char *sep="::", const char *root_sep="::", bool recursive=true) const
 Lookup entity by name.
template<typename T , if_t< !is_callable< T >::value > = 0>
void set (const T &value) const
 Set singleton component.
template<typename T , if_t< !is_callable< T >::value > = 0>
void set (T &&value) const
 Set singleton component.
template<typename First , typename Second , typename P = flecs::pair<First, Second>, typename A = actual_type_t<P>, if_not_t< flecs::is_pair< First >::value > = 0>
void set (const A &value) const
 Set singleton pair.
template<typename First , typename Second , typename P = flecs::pair<First, Second>, typename A = actual_type_t<P>, if_not_t< flecs::is_pair< First >::value > = 0>
void set (A &&value) const
 Set singleton pair.
template<typename First , typename Second >
void set (Second second, const First &value) const
 Set singleton pair.
template<typename First , typename Second >
void set (Second second, First &&value) const
 Set singleton pair.
template<typename Func , if_t< is_callable< Func >::value > = 0>
void set (const Func &func) const
 Set singleton component inside a callback.
template<typename T , typename ... Args>
void emplace (Args &&... args) const
template<typename T >
T & ensure () const
 Ensure singleton component.
template<typename T >
void modified () const
 Mark singleton component as modified.
template<typename T >
ref< T > get_ref () const
 Get ref singleton component.
template<typename T >
const T * get () const
 Get singleton component.
template<typename First , typename Second , typename P = flecs::pair<First, Second>, typename A = actual_type_t<P>>
const A * get () const
 Get singleton pair.
template<typename First , typename Second >
const First * get (Second second) const
 Get singleton pair.
template<typename Func , if_t< is_callable< Func >::value > = 0>
void get (const Func &func) const
 Get singleton component inside a callback.
template<typename T >
T * get_mut () const
 Get mutable singleton component.
template<typename First , typename Second , typename P = flecs::pair<First, Second>, typename A = actual_type_t<P>>
A * get_mut () const
 Get mutable singleton pair.
template<typename First , typename Second >
First * get_mut (Second second) const
 Get mutable singleton pair.
template<typename T >
bool has () const
 Test if world has singleton component.
template<typename First , typename Second >
bool has () const
 Test if world has the provided pair.
template<typename First >
bool has (flecs::id_t second) const
 Test if world has the provided pair.
bool has (flecs::id_t first, flecs::id_t second) const
 Test if world has the provided pair.
template<typename T >
void add () const
 Add singleton component.
template<typename First , typename Second >
void add () const
 Adds a pair to the singleton component.
template<typename First >
void add (flecs::entity_t second) const
 Adds a pair to the singleton component.
void add (flecs::entity_t first, flecs::entity_t second) const
 Adds a pair to the singleton entity.
template<typename T >
void remove () const
 Remove singleton component.
template<typename First , typename Second >
void remove () const
 Removes the pair singleton component.
template<typename First >
void remove (flecs::entity_t second) const
 Removes the pair singleton component.
void remove (flecs::entity_t first, flecs::entity_t second) const
 Removes the pair singleton component.
template<typename Func >
void children (Func &&f) const
 Iterate entities in root of world Accepts a callback with the following signature:
template<typename T >
flecs::entity singleton () const
 Get singleton entity for type.
template<typename First >
flecs::entity target (int32_t index=0) const
 Get target for a given pair from a singleton entity.
template<typename T >
flecs::entity target (flecs::entity_t first, int32_t index=0) const
 Get target for a given pair from a singleton entity.
flecs::entity target (flecs::entity_t first, int32_t index=0) const
 Get target for a given pair from a singleton entity.
template<typename T >
flecs::entity use (const char *alias=nullptr) const
 Create alias for component.
flecs::entity use (const char *name, const char *alias=nullptr) const
 Create alias for entity.
void use (flecs::entity entity, const char *alias=nullptr) const
 Create alias for entity.
int count (flecs::id_t component_id) const
 Count entities matching a component.
int count (flecs::entity_t first, flecs::entity_t second) const
 Count entities matching a pair.
template<typename T >
int count () const
 Count entities matching a component.
template<typename First >
int count (flecs::entity_t second) const
 Count entities matching a pair.
template<typename First , typename Second >
int count () const
 Count entities matching a pair.
template<typename Func >
void with (id_t with_id, const Func &func) const
 All entities created in function are created with id.
template<typename T , typename Func >
void with (const Func &func) const
 All entities created in function are created with type.
template<typename First , typename Second , typename Func >
void with (const Func &func) const
 All entities created in function are created with pair.
template<typename First , typename Func >
void with (id_t second, const Func &func) const
 All entities created in function are created with pair.
template<typename Func >
void with (id_t first, id_t second, const Func &func) const
 All entities created in function are created with pair.
template<typename Func >
void scope (id_t parent, const Func &func) const
 All entities created in function are created in scope.
template<typename T , typename Func >
void scope (const Func &func) const
 Same as scope(parent, func), but with T as parent.
flecs::scoped_world scope (id_t parent) const
 Use provided scope for operations ran on returned world.
template<typename T >
flecs::scoped_world scope () const
flecs::scoped_world scope (const char *name) const
void delete_with (id_t the_id) const
 Delete all entities with specified id.
void delete_with (entity_t first, entity_t second) const
 Delete all entities with specified pair.
template<typename T >
void delete_with () const
 Delete all entities with specified component.
template<typename First , typename Second >
void delete_with () const
 Delete all entities with specified pair.
template<typename First >
void delete_with (entity_t second) const
 Delete all entities with specified pair.
void remove_all (id_t the_id) const
 Remove all instances of specified id.
void remove_all (entity_t first, entity_t second) const
 Remove all instances of specified pair.
template<typename T >
void remove_all () const
 Remove all instances of specified component.
template<typename First , typename Second >
void remove_all () const
 Remove all instances of specified pair.
template<typename First >
void remove_all (entity_t second) const
 Remove all instances of specified pair.
template<typename Func >
void defer (const Func &func) const
 Defer all operations called in function.
void defer_suspend () const
 Suspend deferring operations.
void defer_resume () const
 Resume deferring operations.
bool exists (flecs::entity_t e) const
 Check if entity id exists in the world.
bool is_alive (flecs::entity_t e) const
 Check if entity id exists in the world.
bool is_valid (flecs::entity_t e) const
 Check if entity id is valid.
flecs::entity get_alive (flecs::entity_t e) const
 Get alive entity for id.
flecs::entity make_alive (flecs::entity_t e) const
void set_version (flecs::entity_t e) const
 Set version of entity to provided.
void run_post_frame (ecs_fini_action_t action, void *ctx) const
const flecs::world_info_tget_info () const
 Get the world info.
ecs_ftime_t delta_time () const
 Get delta_time.
void init_builtin_components ()
template<typename... Comps, typename... Args>
flecs::alert_builder< Comps... > alert (Args &&... args) const
 Create alert.
template<typename T , typename... Args>
flecs::component< T > component (Args &&... args) const
 Find or register component.
template<typename... Args>
flecs::untyped_component component (Args &&... args) const
 Find or register untyped component.
template<typename... Args>
flecs::entity entity (Args &&... args) const
 Create an entity.
template<typename E , if_t< is_enum< E >::value > = 0>
flecs::id id (E value) const
 Convert enum constant to entity.
template<typename E , if_t< is_enum< E >::value > = 0>
flecs::entity entity (E value) const
 Convert enum constant to entity.
template<typename... Args>
flecs::entity prefab (Args &&... args) const
 Create a prefab.
template<typename T >
flecs::entity entity (const char *name=nullptr) const
 Create an entity that's associated with a type.
template<typename T >
flecs::entity prefab (const char *name=nullptr) const
 Create a prefab that's associated with a type.
template<typename E , if_t< is_enum< E >::value > = 0>
flecs::entity to_entity (E constant) const
 Convert enum constant to entity.
flecs::event_builder event (flecs::entity_t evt) const
 Create a new event.
template<typename E >
flecs::event_builder_typed< E > event () const
 Create a new event.
template<typename T >
flecs::id id () const
template<typename ... Args>
flecs::id id (Args &&... args) const
template<typename T >
flecs::id id () const
 Get id from a type.
template<typename ... Args>
flecs::id id (Args &&... args) const
 Id factory.
template<typename First , typename Second >
flecs::id pair () const
 Get pair id from relationship, object.
template<typename First >
flecs::id pair (entity_t o) const
 Get pair id from relationship, object.
flecs::id pair (entity_t r, entity_t o) const
 Get pair id from relationship, object.
flecs::string to_json (flecs::entity_t tid, const void *value)
 Serialize untyped value to JSON.
template<typename T >
flecs::string to_json (const T *value)
 Serialize value to JSON.
flecs::string to_json ()
 Serialize world to JSON.
const char * from_json (flecs::entity_t tid, void *value, const char *json, flecs::from_json_desc_t *desc=nullptr)
 Deserialize value from JSON.
template<typename T >
const char * from_json (T *value, const char *json, flecs::from_json_desc_t *desc=nullptr)
 Deserialize value from JSON.
const char * from_json (const char *json, flecs::from_json_desc_t *desc=nullptr)
 Deserialize JSON into world.
const char * from_json_file (const char *json, flecs::from_json_desc_t *desc=nullptr)
 Deserialize JSON file into world.
template<typename... Args>
flecs::metric_builder metric (Args &&... args) const
 Create metric.
template<typename T >
flecs::timer timer () const
 Find or register a singleton timer.
flecs::app_builder app ()
 Return app builder.

Public Attributes

world_t * world_
flecs::cursor cursor (flecs::entity_t tid, void *ptr)
 Return meta cursor to value.
template<typename T >
flecs::cursor cursor (void *ptr)
 Return meta cursor to value.
flecs::entity primitive (flecs::meta::primitive_kind_t kind)
 Create primitive type.
flecs::entity array (flecs::entity_t elem_id, int32_t array_count)
 Create array type.
template<typename T >
flecs::entity array (int32_t array_count)
 Create array type.
flecs::entity vector (flecs::entity_t elem_id)
 Create vector type.
template<typename T >
flecs::entity vector ()
 Create vector type.
template<typename Module >
flecs::entity module (const char *name=nullptr) const
 Define a module.
template<typename Module >
flecs::entity import ()
 Import a module.
flecs::observer observer (flecs::entity e) const
 Observer builder.
template<typename... Components, typename... Args>
flecs::observer_builder< Components... > observer (Args &&... args) const
 Create a new observer.
flecs::pipeline_builder pipeline () const
 Create a new pipeline.
template<typename Pipeline , if_not_t< is_enum< Pipeline >::value > = 0>
flecs::pipeline_builder pipeline () const
 Create a new pipeline.
void set_pipeline (const flecs::entity pip) const
 Set pipeline.
template<typename Pipeline >
void set_pipeline () const
 Set pipeline.
flecs::entity get_pipeline () const
 Get pipeline.
bool progress (ecs_ftime_t delta_time=0.0) const
 Progress world one tick.
void run_pipeline (const flecs::entity_t pip, ecs_ftime_t delta_time=0.0) const
 Run pipeline.
template<typename Pipeline , if_not_t< is_enum< Pipeline >::value > = 0>
void run_pipeline (ecs_ftime_t delta_time=0.0) const
 Run pipeline.
void set_time_scale (ecs_ftime_t mul) const
 Set timescale.
void set_target_fps (ecs_ftime_t target_fps) const
 Set target FPS.
void reset_clock () const
 Reset simulation clock.
void set_threads (int32_t threads) const
 Set number of threads.
int32_t get_threads () const
 Set number of threads.
void set_task_threads (int32_t task_threads) const
 Set number of task threads.
bool using_task_threads () const
 Returns true if task thread use has been requested.
template<typename... Comps, typename... Args>
flecs::query< Comps... > query (Args &&... args) const
 Create a query.
flecs::query query (flecs::entity query_entity) const
 Create a query from entity.
template<typename... Comps, typename... Args>
flecs::query_builder< Comps... > query_builder (Args &&... args) const
 Create a query builder.
template<typename Func >
void each (Func &&func) const
 Iterate over all entities with components in argument list of function.
template<typename T , typename Func >
void each (Func &&func) const
 Iterate over all entities with provided component.
template<typename Func >
void each (flecs::id_t term_id, Func &&func) const
 Iterate over all entities with provided (component) id.
flecs::system system (flecs::entity e) const
 Upcast entity to a system.
template<typename... Components, typename... Args>
flecs::system_builder< Components... > system (Args &&... args) const
 Create a new system.
template<typename... Args>
flecs::term term (Args &&... args) const
 Create a term.
template<typename T >
flecs::term term () const
 Create a term for a (component) type.
template<typename First , typename Second >
flecs::term term () const
 Create a term for a pair.

Detailed Description

The world.

The world is the container of all ECS data and systems. If the world is deleted, all data in the world will be deleted as well.

Definition at line 137 of file world.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ world() [1/5]

flecs::world::world ( )

Create world.

Definition at line 140 of file world.hpp.

◆ world() [2/5]

flecs::world::world ( int argc,
char * argv[] )

Create world with command line arguments.

Currently command line arguments are not interpreted, but they may be used in the future to configure Flecs parameters.

Definition at line 149 of file world.hpp.

◆ world() [3/5]

flecs::world::world ( world_t * w)

Create world from C world.

Definition at line 156 of file world.hpp.

◆ world() [4/5]

flecs::world::world ( const world & obj)

Not allowed to copy a world.

May only take a reference.

Definition at line 165 of file world.hpp.

◆ world() [5/5]

flecs::world::world ( world && obj)

Definition at line 177 of file world.hpp.

◆ ~world()

flecs::world::~world ( )

Definition at line 208 of file world.hpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ add() [1/4]

template<typename T >
void flecs::world::add ( ) const

Add singleton component.

Definition at line 187 of file world.hpp.

◆ add() [2/4]

template<typename First , typename Second >
void flecs::world::add ( ) const

Adds a pair to the singleton component.

Template Parameters
FirstThe first element of the pair
SecondThe second element of the pair

Definition at line 193 of file world.hpp.

◆ add() [3/4]

void flecs::world::add ( flecs::entity_t first,
flecs::entity_t second ) const

Adds a pair to the singleton entity.

firstThe first element of the pair
secondThe second element of the pair

Definition at line 204 of file world.hpp.

◆ add() [4/4]

template<typename First >
void flecs::world::add ( flecs::entity_t second) const

Adds a pair to the singleton component.

Template Parameters
FirstThe first element of the pair
secondThe second element of the pair.

Definition at line 199 of file world.hpp.

◆ async_stage()

flecs::world flecs::world::async_stage ( ) const

Create asynchronous stage.

An asynchronous stage can be used to asynchronously queue operations for later merging with the world. An asynchronous stage is similar to a regular stage, except that it does not allow reading from the world.

Asynchronous stages are never merged automatically, and must therefore be manually merged with the ecs_merge function. It is not necessary to call defer_begin or defer_end before and after enqueuing commands, as an asynchronous stage unconditionally defers operations.

The application must ensure that no commands are added to the stage while the stage is being merged.

The stage.

Definition at line 477 of file world.hpp.

◆ atfini()

void flecs::world::atfini ( ecs_fini_action_t action,
void * ctx = nullptr ) const

Register action to be executed when world is destroyed.

Definition at line 250 of file world.hpp.

◆ c_ptr()

world_t * flecs::world::c_ptr ( ) const

Obtain pointer to C world object.

Definition at line 237 of file world.hpp.

◆ children()

template<typename Func >
void flecs::world::children ( Func && f) const

Iterate entities in root of world Accepts a callback with the following signature:

void(*)(flecs::entity e);
Definition entity.hpp:30

Definition at line 233 of file world.hpp.

◆ count() [1/5]

template<typename T >
int flecs::world::count ( ) const

Count entities matching a component.

Template Parameters
TThe component type.

Definition at line 928 of file world.hpp.

◆ count() [2/5]

template<typename First , typename Second >
int flecs::world::count ( ) const

Count entities matching a pair.

Template Parameters
FirstThe first element of the pair.
SecondThe second element of the pair.

Definition at line 948 of file world.hpp.

◆ count() [3/5]

int flecs::world::count ( flecs::entity_t first,
flecs::entity_t second ) const

Count entities matching a pair.

firstThe first element of the pair.
secondThe second element of the pair.

Definition at line 919 of file world.hpp.

◆ count() [4/5]

template<typename First >
int flecs::world::count ( flecs::entity_t second) const

Count entities matching a pair.

Template Parameters
FirstThe first element of the pair.
secondThe second element of the pair.

Definition at line 938 of file world.hpp.

◆ count() [5/5]

int flecs::world::count ( flecs::id_t component_id) const

Count entities matching a component.

component_idThe component id.

Definition at line 910 of file world.hpp.

◆ defer()

template<typename Func >
void flecs::world::defer ( const Func & func) const

Defer all operations called in function.

See also

Definition at line 1084 of file world.hpp.

◆ defer_begin()

bool flecs::world::defer_begin ( ) const

Defer operations until end of frame.

When this operation is invoked while iterating, operations inbetween the defer_begin() and defer_end() operations are executed at the end of the frame.

This operation is thread safe.

true if world changed from non-deferred mode to deferred mode.
See also

Definition at line 337 of file world.hpp.

◆ defer_end()

bool flecs::world::defer_end ( ) const

End block of operations to defer.

See defer_begin().

This operation is thread safe.

true if world changed from deferred mode to non-deferred mode.
See also

Definition at line 355 of file world.hpp.

◆ defer_resume()

void flecs::world::defer_resume ( ) const

Resume deferring operations.

See also

Definition at line 1112 of file world.hpp.

◆ defer_suspend()

void flecs::world::defer_suspend ( ) const

Suspend deferring operations.

See also

Definition at line 1099 of file world.hpp.

◆ delete_with() [1/5]

template<typename T >
void flecs::world::delete_with ( ) const

Delete all entities with specified component.

Definition at line 1031 of file world.hpp.

◆ delete_with() [2/5]

template<typename First , typename Second >
void flecs::world::delete_with ( ) const

Delete all entities with specified pair.

Definition at line 1037 of file world.hpp.

◆ delete_with() [3/5]

void flecs::world::delete_with ( entity_t first,
entity_t second ) const

Delete all entities with specified pair.

Definition at line 1025 of file world.hpp.

◆ delete_with() [4/5]

template<typename First >
void flecs::world::delete_with ( entity_t second) const

Delete all entities with specified pair.

Definition at line 1043 of file world.hpp.

◆ delete_with() [5/5]

void flecs::world::delete_with ( id_t the_id) const

Delete all entities with specified id.

Definition at line 1020 of file world.hpp.

◆ delta_time()

ecs_ftime_t flecs::world::delta_time ( ) const

Get delta_time.

Definition at line 1181 of file world.hpp.

◆ dim()

void flecs::world::dim ( int32_t entity_count) const

Preallocate memory for number of entities.

This function preallocates memory for the entity index.

entity_countNumber of entities to preallocate memory for.
See also

Definition at line 572 of file world.hpp.

◆ emplace()

template<typename T , typename ... Args>
void flecs::world::emplace ( Args &&... args) const

Definition at line 693 of file world.hpp.

◆ enable_range_check()

void flecs::world::enable_range_check ( bool enabled = true) const

Enforce that operations cannot modify entities outside of range.

This function ensures that only entities within the specified range can be modified. Use this function if specific parts of the code only are allowed to modify a certain set of entities, as could be the case for networked applications.

enabledTrue if range check should be enabled, false if not.
See also

Definition at line 598 of file world.hpp.

◆ ensure()

template<typename T >
T & flecs::world::ensure ( ) const

Ensure singleton component.

Definition at line 97 of file world.hpp.

◆ exists()

bool flecs::world::exists ( flecs::entity_t e) const

Check if entity id exists in the world.

See also

Definition at line 1122 of file world.hpp.

◆ frame_begin()

ecs_ftime_t flecs::world::frame_begin ( float delta_time = 0) const

Begin frame.

When an application does not use progress() to control the main loop, it can still use Flecs features such as FPS limiting and time measurements. This operation needs to be invoked whenever a new frame is about to get processed.

Calls to frame_begin() must always be followed by frame_end().

The function accepts a delta_time parameter, which will get passed to systems. This value is also used to compute the amount of time the function needs to sleep to ensure it does not exceed the target_fps, when it is set. When 0 is provided for delta_time, the time will be measured.

This function should only be ran from the main thread.

delta_timeTime elapsed since the last frame.
The provided delta_time, or measured time if 0 was provided.
See also

Definition at line 281 of file world.hpp.

◆ frame_end()

void flecs::world::frame_end ( ) const

End frame.

This operation must be called at the end of the frame, and always after frame_begin().

This function should only be ran from the main thread.

See also

Definition at line 294 of file world.hpp.

◆ get() [1/4]

template<typename T >
const T * flecs::world::get ( ) const

Get singleton component.

Definition at line 128 of file world.hpp.

◆ get() [2/4]

template<typename First , typename Second , typename P , typename A >
const A * flecs::world::get ( ) const

Get singleton pair.

Definition at line 134 of file world.hpp.

◆ get() [3/4]

template<typename Func , if_t< is_callable< Func >::value > >
void flecs::world::get ( const Func & func) const

Get singleton component inside a callback.

Definition at line 267 of file world.hpp.

◆ get() [4/4]

template<typename First , typename Second >
const First * flecs::world::get ( Second second) const

Get singleton pair.

Definition at line 140 of file world.hpp.

◆ get_alive()

flecs::entity flecs::world::get_alive ( flecs::entity_t e) const

Get alive entity for id.

Returns the entity with the current generation.

See also

Definition at line 280 of file world.hpp.

◆ get_binding_ctx()

void * flecs::world::get_binding_ctx ( ) const

Get world binding context.

This operation retrieves a previously set world binding context.

The context set with set_binding_ctx(). If no context was set, the function returns NULL.
See also

Definition at line 561 of file world.hpp.

◆ get_ctx()

void * flecs::world::get_ctx ( ) const

Get world context.

This operation retrieves a previously set world context.

The context set with set_binding_ctx(). If no context was set, the function returns NULL.
See also

Definition at line 533 of file world.hpp.

◆ get_info()

const flecs::world_info_t * flecs::world::get_info ( ) const

Get the world info.

See also

Definition at line 1176 of file world.hpp.

◆ get_mut() [1/3]

template<typename T >
T * flecs::world::get_mut ( ) const

Get mutable singleton component.

Definition at line 146 of file world.hpp.

◆ get_mut() [2/3]

template<typename First , typename Second , typename P , typename A >
A * flecs::world::get_mut ( ) const

Get mutable singleton pair.

Definition at line 152 of file world.hpp.

◆ get_mut() [3/3]

template<typename First , typename Second >
First * flecs::world::get_mut ( Second second) const

Get mutable singleton pair.

Definition at line 158 of file world.hpp.

◆ get_ref()

template<typename T >
ref< T > flecs::world::get_ref ( ) const

Get ref singleton component.

Definition at line 122 of file world.hpp.

◆ get_scope()

flecs::entity flecs::world::get_scope ( ) const

Get current scope.

The current scope.
See also

Definition at line 81 of file world.hpp.

◆ get_stage()

flecs::world flecs::world::get_stage ( int32_t stage_id) const

Get stage-specific world pointer.

Flecs threads can safely invoke the API as long as they have a private context to write to, also referred to as the stage. This function returns a pointer to a stage, disguised as a world pointer.

Note that this function does not(!) create a new world. It simply wraps the existing world in a thread-specific context, which the API knows how to unwrap. The reason the stage is returned as an ecs_world_t is so that it can be passed transparently to the existing API functions, vs. having to create a dediated API for threading.

stage_idThe index of the stage to retrieve.
A thread-specific pointer to the world.

Definition at line 458 of file world.hpp.

◆ get_stage_count()

int32_t flecs::world::get_stage_count ( ) const

Get number of configured stages.

Return number of stages set by set_stage_count().

The number of stages used for threading.
See also

Definition at line 401 of file world.hpp.

◆ get_stage_id()

int32_t flecs::world::get_stage_id ( ) const

Get current stage id.

The stage id can be used by an application to learn about which stage it is using, which typically corresponds with the worker thread id.

The stage id.

Definition at line 411 of file world.hpp.

◆ get_world()

flecs::world flecs::world::get_world ( ) const

Get actual world.

If the current object points to a stage, this operation will return the actual world.

The actual world.

Definition at line 489 of file world.hpp.

◆ has() [1/4]

template<typename T >
bool flecs::world::has ( ) const

Test if world has singleton component.

Definition at line 164 of file world.hpp.

◆ has() [2/4]

template<typename First , typename Second >
bool flecs::world::has ( ) const

Test if world has the provided pair.

Template Parameters
FirstThe first element of the pair
SecondThe second element of the pair

Definition at line 170 of file world.hpp.

◆ has() [3/4]

bool flecs::world::has ( flecs::id_t first,
flecs::id_t second ) const

Test if world has the provided pair.

firstThe first element of the pair
secondThe second element of the pair

Definition at line 181 of file world.hpp.

◆ has() [4/4]

template<typename First >
bool flecs::world::has ( flecs::id_t second) const

Test if world has the provided pair.

Template Parameters
FirstThe first element of the pair
secondThe second element of the pair.

Definition at line 176 of file world.hpp.

◆ id() [1/2]

template<typename T >
flecs::id flecs::world::id ( ) const

Definition at line 70 of file impl.hpp.

◆ id() [2/2]

template<typename ... Args>
flecs::id flecs::world::id ( Args &&... args) const

Definition at line 75 of file impl.hpp.

◆ init_builtin_components()

void flecs::world::init_builtin_components ( )

Definition at line 11 of file world.hpp.

◆ is_alive()

bool flecs::world::is_alive ( flecs::entity_t e) const

Check if entity id exists in the world.

See also

Definition at line 1132 of file world.hpp.

◆ is_deferred()

bool flecs::world::is_deferred ( ) const

Test whether deferring is enabled.

True if deferred, false if not.
See also

Definition at line 370 of file world.hpp.

◆ is_readonly()

bool flecs::world::is_readonly ( ) const

Test whether the current world object is readonly.

This function allows the code to test whether the currently used world object is readonly or whether it allows for writing.

True if the world or stage is readonly.
See also

Definition at line 505 of file world.hpp.

◆ is_stage()

bool flecs::world::is_stage ( ) const

Test if is a stage.

If this function returns false, it is guaranteed that this is a valid world object.

True if the world is a stage, false if not.

Definition at line 421 of file world.hpp.

◆ is_valid()

bool flecs::world::is_valid ( flecs::entity_t e) const

Check if entity id is valid.

Invalid entities cannot be used with API functions.

See also

Definition at line 1143 of file world.hpp.

◆ lookup()

entity flecs::world::lookup ( const char * name,
const char * sep = "::",
const char * root_sep = "::",
bool recursive = true ) const

Lookup entity by name.

nameEntity name.
recursiveWhen false, only the current scope is searched.
The entity if found, or 0 if not found.

Definition at line 90 of file world.hpp.

◆ make_alive()

flecs::entity flecs::world::make_alive ( flecs::entity_t e) const
See also

Definition at line 285 of file world.hpp.

◆ make_owner()

void flecs::world::make_owner ( )

Make current world object owner of the world.

This may only be called on one flecs::world object, an may only be called once. Failing to do so will result in undefined behavior.

This operation allows a custom (C) world to be wrapped by a C++ object, and transfer ownership so that the world is automatically cleaned up.

Definition at line 222 of file world.hpp.

◆ merge()

void flecs::world::merge ( ) const

Merge world or stage.

When automatic merging is disabled, an application can call this operation on either an individual stage, or on the world which will merge all stages. This operation may only be called when staging is not enabled (either after progress() or after readonly_end()).

This operation may be called on an already merged stage or world.

See also

Definition at line 440 of file world.hpp.

◆ modified()

template<typename T >
void flecs::world::modified ( ) const

Mark singleton component as modified.

Definition at line 104 of file world.hpp.

◆ operator world_t *()

flecs::world::operator world_t * ( ) const

Definition at line 213 of file world.hpp.

◆ operator=() [1/2]

world & flecs::world::operator= ( const world & obj)

Definition at line 170 of file world.hpp.

◆ operator=() [2/2]

world & flecs::world::operator= ( world && obj)

Definition at line 182 of file world.hpp.

◆ quit()

void flecs::world::quit ( ) const

Signal application should quit.

After calling this operation, the next call to progress() returns false.

Definition at line 244 of file world.hpp.

◆ readonly_begin()

bool flecs::world::readonly_begin ( bool multi_threaded = false) const

Begin readonly mode.

multi_threadedWhether to enable readonly/multi threaded mode.
Whether world is currently readonly.
See also

Definition at line 308 of file world.hpp.

◆ readonly_end()

void flecs::world::readonly_end ( ) const

End readonly mode.

See also

Definition at line 318 of file world.hpp.

◆ release()

void flecs::world::release ( )

Definition at line 191 of file world.hpp.

◆ remove() [1/4]

template<typename T >
void flecs::world::remove ( ) const

Remove singleton component.

Definition at line 210 of file world.hpp.

◆ remove() [2/4]

template<typename First , typename Second >
void flecs::world::remove ( ) const

Removes the pair singleton component.

Template Parameters
FirstThe first element of the pair
SecondThe second element of the pair

Definition at line 216 of file world.hpp.

◆ remove() [3/4]

void flecs::world::remove ( flecs::entity_t first,
flecs::entity_t second ) const

Removes the pair singleton component.

firstThe first element of the pair
secondThe second element of the pair

Definition at line 227 of file world.hpp.

◆ remove() [4/4]

template<typename First >
void flecs::world::remove ( flecs::entity_t second) const

Removes the pair singleton component.

Template Parameters
FirstThe first element of the pair
secondThe second element of the pair.

Definition at line 222 of file world.hpp.

◆ remove_all() [1/5]

template<typename T >
void flecs::world::remove_all ( ) const

Remove all instances of specified component.

Definition at line 1059 of file world.hpp.

◆ remove_all() [2/5]

template<typename First , typename Second >
void flecs::world::remove_all ( ) const

Remove all instances of specified pair.

Definition at line 1065 of file world.hpp.

◆ remove_all() [3/5]

void flecs::world::remove_all ( entity_t first,
entity_t second ) const

Remove all instances of specified pair.

Definition at line 1053 of file world.hpp.

◆ remove_all() [4/5]

template<typename First >
void flecs::world::remove_all ( entity_t second) const

Remove all instances of specified pair.

Definition at line 1071 of file world.hpp.

◆ remove_all() [5/5]

void flecs::world::remove_all ( id_t the_id) const

Remove all instances of specified id.

Definition at line 1048 of file world.hpp.

◆ reset()

void flecs::world::reset ( )

Deletes and recreates the world.

Definition at line 227 of file world.hpp.

◆ run_post_frame()

void flecs::world::run_post_frame ( ecs_fini_action_t action,
void * ctx ) const

Definition at line 1168 of file world.hpp.

◆ scope() [1/5]

template<typename T >
flecs::scoped_world flecs::world::scope ( ) const

Definition at line 333 of file world.hpp.

◆ scope() [2/5]

flecs::scoped_world flecs::world::scope ( const char * name) const

Definition at line 338 of file world.hpp.

◆ scope() [3/5]

template<typename T , typename Func >
void flecs::world::scope ( const Func & func) const

Same as scope(parent, func), but with T as parent.

Definition at line 1004 of file world.hpp.

◆ scope() [4/5]

flecs::scoped_world flecs::world::scope ( id_t parent) const

Use provided scope for operations ran on returned world.

Operations need to be ran in a single statement.

Definition at line 328 of file world.hpp.

◆ scope() [5/5]

template<typename Func >
void flecs::world::scope ( id_t parent,
const Func & func ) const

All entities created in function are created in scope.

All operations called in function (such as lookup) are relative to scope.

Definition at line 995 of file world.hpp.

◆ set() [1/7]

template<typename First , typename Second , typename P = flecs::pair<First, Second>, typename A = actual_type_t<P>, if_not_t< flecs::is_pair< First >::value > = 0>
void flecs::world::set ( A && value) const

Set singleton pair.

Definition at line 673 of file world.hpp.

◆ set() [2/7]

template<typename First , typename Second , typename P = flecs::pair<First, Second>, typename A = actual_type_t<P>, if_not_t< flecs::is_pair< First >::value > = 0>
void flecs::world::set ( const A & value) const

Set singleton pair.

Definition at line 665 of file world.hpp.

◆ set() [3/7]

template<typename Func , if_t< is_callable< Func >::value > >
void flecs::world::set ( const Func & func) const

Set singleton component inside a callback.

Definition at line 274 of file world.hpp.

◆ set() [4/7]

template<typename T , if_t< !is_callable< T >::value > = 0>
void flecs::world::set ( const T & value) const

Set singleton component.

Definition at line 649 of file world.hpp.

◆ set() [5/7]

template<typename First , typename Second >
void flecs::world::set ( Second second,
const First & value ) const

Set singleton pair.

Definition at line 110 of file world.hpp.

◆ set() [6/7]

template<typename First , typename Second >
void flecs::world::set ( Second second,
First && value ) const

Set singleton pair.

Definition at line 116 of file world.hpp.

◆ set() [7/7]

template<typename T , if_t< !is_callable< T >::value > = 0>
void flecs::world::set ( T && value) const

Set singleton component.

Definition at line 656 of file world.hpp.

◆ set_binding_ctx()

void flecs::world::set_binding_ctx ( void * ctx,
ecs_ctx_free_t ctx_free = nullptr ) const

Set world binding context.

Same as set_ctx() but for binding context. A binding context is intended specifically for language bindings to store binding specific data.

ctxA pointer to a user defined structure.
ctx_freeA function that is invoked with ctx when the world is freed.
See also

Definition at line 548 of file world.hpp.

◆ set_ctx()

void flecs::world::set_ctx ( void * ctx,
ecs_ctx_free_t ctx_free = nullptr ) const

Set world context.

Set a context value that can be accessed by anyone that has a reference to the world.

ctxA pointer to a user defined structure.
ctx_freeA function that is invoked with ctx when the world is freed.
See also

Definition at line 520 of file world.hpp.

◆ set_entity_range()

void flecs::world::set_entity_range ( entity_t min,
entity_t max ) const

Set entity range.

This function limits the range of issued entity ids between min and max.

minMinimum entity id issued.
maxMaximum entity id issued.
See also

Definition at line 584 of file world.hpp.

◆ set_lookup_path()

flecs::entity_t * flecs::world::set_lookup_path ( const flecs::entity_t * search_path) const

Set search path.

See also

Definition at line 634 of file world.hpp.

◆ set_scope() [1/2]

template<typename T >
flecs::entity flecs::world::set_scope ( ) const

Same as set_scope but with type.

See also

Definition at line 86 of file world.hpp.

◆ set_scope() [2/2]

flecs::entity flecs::world::set_scope ( const flecs::entity_t scope) const

Set current scope.

scopeThe scope to set.
The current scope;
See also

Definition at line 77 of file world.hpp.

◆ set_stage_count()

void flecs::world::set_stage_count ( int32_t stages) const

Configure world to have N stages.

This initializes N stages, which allows applications to defer operations to multiple isolated defer queues. This is typically used for applications with multiple threads, where each thread gets its own queue, and commands are merged when threads are synchronized.

Note that set_threads() already creates the appropriate number of stages. The set_stage_count() operation is useful for applications that want to manage their own stages and/or threads.

stagesThe number of stages.
See also

Definition at line 389 of file world.hpp.

◆ set_version()

void flecs::world::set_version ( flecs::entity_t e) const

Set version of entity to provided.

See also

Definition at line 1163 of file world.hpp.

◆ should_quit()

bool flecs::world::should_quit ( ) const

Test if quit() has been called.

Definition at line 256 of file world.hpp.

◆ singleton()

template<typename T >
flecs::entity flecs::world::singleton ( ) const

Get singleton entity for type.

Definition at line 238 of file world.hpp.

◆ target() [1/3]

template<typename T >
flecs::entity flecs::world::target ( flecs::entity_t first,
int32_t index = 0 ) const

Get target for a given pair from a singleton entity.

This operation returns the target for a given pair. The optional index can be used to iterate through targets, in case the entity has multiple instances for the same relationship.

firstThe first element of the pair for which to retrieve the target.
indexThe index (0 for the first instance of the relationship).

Definition at line 250 of file world.hpp.

◆ target() [2/3]

flecs::entity flecs::world::target ( flecs::entity_t first,
int32_t index = 0 ) const

Get target for a given pair from a singleton entity.

This operation returns the target for a given pair. The optional index can be used to iterate through targets, in case the entity has multiple instances for the same relationship.

firstThe first element of the pair for which to retrieve the target.
indexThe index (0 for the first instance of the relationship).

Definition at line 258 of file world.hpp.

◆ target() [3/3]

template<typename First >
flecs::entity flecs::world::target ( int32_t index = 0) const

Get target for a given pair from a singleton entity.

This operation returns the target for a given pair. The optional index can be used to iterate through targets, in case the entity has multiple instances for the same relationship.

Template Parameters
FirstThe first element of the pair.
indexThe index (0 for the first instance of the relationship).

Definition at line 243 of file world.hpp.

◆ use() [1/3]

template<typename T >
flecs::entity flecs::world::use ( const char * alias = nullptr) const

Create alias for component.

Template Parameters
Tto create an alias for.
aliasAlias for the component.
Entity representing the component.

Definition at line 48 of file world.hpp.

◆ use() [2/3]

flecs::entity flecs::world::use ( const char * name,
const char * alias = nullptr ) const

Create alias for entity.

nameName of the entity.
aliasAlias for the entity.

Definition at line 59 of file world.hpp.

◆ use() [3/3]

void flecs::world::use ( flecs::entity entity,
const char * alias = nullptr ) const

Create alias for entity.

entityEntity for which to create the alias.
aliasAlias for the entity.

Definition at line 67 of file world.hpp.

◆ with() [1/5]

template<typename T , typename Func >
void flecs::world::with ( const Func & func) const

All entities created in function are created with type.

Definition at line 966 of file world.hpp.

◆ with() [2/5]

template<typename First , typename Second , typename Func >
void flecs::world::with ( const Func & func) const

All entities created in function are created with pair.

Definition at line 973 of file world.hpp.

◆ with() [3/5]

template<typename Func >
void flecs::world::with ( id_t first,
id_t second,
const Func & func ) const

All entities created in function are created with pair.

Definition at line 987 of file world.hpp.

◆ with() [4/5]

template<typename First , typename Func >
void flecs::world::with ( id_t second,
const Func & func ) const

All entities created in function are created with pair.

Definition at line 980 of file world.hpp.

◆ with() [5/5]

template<typename Func >
void flecs::world::with ( id_t with_id,
const Func & func ) const

All entities created in function are created with id.

Definition at line 957 of file world.hpp.

Member Data Documentation

◆ world_

world_t* flecs::world::world_

Definition at line 1228 of file world.hpp.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following files: