Flecs v4.0
A fast entity component system (ECS) for C & C++
No Matches
Flecs Remote API

The Flecs Remote API makes it possible to remotely interface with a Flecs application. Possible applications of the Flecs Remote API are:

  • Remote tooling such as the Flecs Explorer
  • Web applications that use Flecs as a backend store
  • Web applications that connect to a Flecs wasm image
  • Saving (and loading) ECS data to a file
  • Saving (and loading) ECS data to a database

The Flecs Remote API consists out of these components:

  • A JSON serializer/deserializer
  • A client-side JavaScript library that wraps around the REST API
  • The Flecs Explorer

Explorer Quickstart

The most common usage of the Flecs Remote API is the Flecs Explorer. To allow the Flecs explorer to access an application, add this code:

  • C

    // Optional, gather statistics for explorer
    ECS_IMPORT(world, FlecsStats);
    // Creates REST server on default port (27750)
    ecs_singleton_set(world, EcsRest, {0});
    // Runs the system serving up REST requests
    while (ecs_progress(world, 0)) { }
    #define ECS_IMPORT(world, id)
    Wrapper around ecs_import().
    Definition module.h:119
    FLECS_API bool ecs_progress(ecs_world_t *world, ecs_ftime_t delta_time)
    Progress a world.
    Component that creates a REST API server when instantiated.
    Definition rest.h:49

  • C++

    // Optional, gather statistics for explorer
    // Creates REST server on default port (27750)
    // Runs the system serving up REST requests
    while (world.progress()) { }

  • C#

    // Optional, gather statistics for explorer
    // Creates REST server on default port (27750)
    // Runs the system serving up REST requests
    while (world.Progress()) { }

  • Rust

    // Optional, gather statistics for explorer
    // Creates REST server on default port (27750)
    // Runs the system serving up REST requests
    while world.progress() {}

or, using the app addon:

  • C

    ecs_world_t *world = ecs_init();
    // Optional, gather statistics for explorer
    .enable_stats = true
    .enable_rest = true,
    FLECS_API int ecs_app_run(ecs_world_t *world, ecs_app_desc_t *desc)
    Run application.
    struct ecs_world_t ecs_world_t
    A world is the container for all ECS data and supporting features.
    Definition flecs.h:425
    ecs_world_t * ecs_init(void)
    Create a new world.
    Used with ecs_app_run().
    Definition app.h:37

  • C++

    // Optional, gather statistics for explorer

  • C#

    // Optional, gather statistics for explorer

  • Rust

    // Optional, gather statistics for explorer

When the application is running, navigate to this URL: https://flecs.dev/explorer . The explorer should connect automatically to the application.


The following sections describe how the Flecs Remote API can be used by applications.

JSON serialization

The Flecs JSON addon provides an easy API for serializing the world, queries and entities to JSON. The following example shows how to serialize the world to JSON:

The resulting JSON can be deserialized back into the world:

  • C

    int res = ecs_world_from_json(world, json, NULL);
    if (res) {
    // error
    FLECS_API const char * ecs_world_from_json(ecs_world_t *world, const char *json, const ecs_from_json_desc_t *desc)
    Parse JSON object with multiple entities into the world.

  • C++

    int res = world.from_json(json);
    if (res) {
    // error
    const char * from_json(flecs::entity_t tid, void *value, const char *json, flecs::from_json_desc_t *desc=nullptr)
    Deserialize value from JSON.
    Definition world.inl:41

Similarly, entities can be serialized to and from JSON:

Queries can also be serialized to JSON:

For more details on the JSON format and the various serialization options, see the Remote API reference.


The Flecs REST API enables remote access to running Flecs applications. The REST API can be used in various different ways:

  • Using the embedded HTTP server
  • Using a 3rd party HTTP server
  • By calling ecs_http_server_request directly
  • To communicate with a WASM image

The embedded HTTP server is a minimal implementation that only provides enough features to be able to serve up the REST API. It is sufficient for development purposes, but should not be used in production environments.

The Flecs REST API can be used in production environments to use Flecs as a backend datastore that can be dynamically queried. This requires forwarding requests to a 3rd party HTTP library (such as civetweb) using the ecs_http_server_request function.

The REST API can also be used to communicate with wasm images. By default when Flecs is built with emscripten, a function called flecs_explorer_request is exported as public symbol which enables doing REST requests. This symbol is used by the explorer to communicate with Flecs wasm images.

The following examples show how to enable the embedded REST API, which is required for using Flecs with the explorer:

  • C

    // Optional, gather statistics for explorer
    ECS_IMPORT(world, FlecsStats);
    // Creates REST server on default port (27750)
    ecs_singleton_set(world, EcsRest, {0});
    // Runs the system serving up REST requests
    while (ecs_progress(world, 0)) { }

  • C++

    // Optional, gather statistics for explorer
    // Creates REST server on default port (27750)
    // Runs the system serving up REST requests
    while (world.progress()) { }
    flecs::entity import()
    Import a module.
    bool progress(ecs_ftime_t delta_time=0.0) const
    Progress world one tick.
    void set(const T &value) const
    Set singleton component.
    Definition world.hpp:649

  • C#

    // Optional, gather statistics for explorer
    // Creates REST server on default port (27750)
    // Runs the system serving up REST requests
    while (world.Progress()) { }

  • Rust

    // Optional, gather statistics for explorer
    // Creates REST server on default port (27750)
    // Runs the system serving up REST requests
    while world.progress() {}

Alternatively applications can also use the app addon to enable and run the REST API, which provides a portable way to run applications across desktop, mobile and web applications:

Alternatively the REST API can be called directly with the ecs_http_server_request C function. This makes it easy to use the REST API with a 3rd party HTTP server, or to run the API over a different protocol.

The following example shows how to use the ecs_http_server_request function:

// Create a REST server. Don't specify connectivity
// parameters which ensures no HTTP server is created.
world, NULL);
ecs_http_reply_t reply = ECS_HTTP_REPLY_INIT;
int res = ecs_http_server_request(srv,
"GET", "/entity/my_entity", &reply);
if (res || reply.code != 200) {
// error
char *body = ecs_strbuf_get(&reply.body);
// Use reply body
// Free server
struct ecs_http_server_t ecs_http_server_t
HTTP server.
Definition http.h:48
FLECS_API int ecs_http_server_request(ecs_http_server_t *srv, const char *method, const char *req, const char *body, ecs_http_reply_t *reply_out)
Convenience wrapper around ecs_http_server_http_request().
FLECS_API ecs_http_server_t * ecs_rest_server_init(ecs_world_t *world, const ecs_http_server_desc_t *desc)
Create HTTP server for REST API.
FLECS_API void ecs_rest_server_fini(ecs_http_server_t *srv)
Cleanup REST HTTP server.
An HTTP reply.
Definition http.h:91
int code
default = 200
Definition http.h:92
ecs_strbuf_t body
default = ""
Definition http.h:93

For more details on the REST API, see the API reference.

JavaScript library

The JavaScript library is a client-side wrapper that makes it easy to build web applications with the Flecs REST API. To use the client library, include it like this:

<script src="flecs.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script>

The latest version of the client library can be downloaded on this URL: https://www.flecs.dev/explorer/flecs.js

The client can then create a connection to a running application like this:

// Connect to localhost on the default port (27750)
let conn = flecs.connect("localhost");

Clients can also connect to a remote host:

let conn = flecs.connect("https://my-game.com/api:9000");

Clients can also connect directly to a wasm image:

let conn = flecs.connect("my-game.wasm");

Once the connection is created, the client can make requests:

conn.query("Position, Velocity, (ChildOf, scene)",
{}, (reply) => {
for (let entity of reply.results) {
console.log(`entity ${entity.name} matched!`);


The following sections describe the different REST endpoints of the Flecs Remote API. Where applicable the corresponding JSON serialization code will be mentioned. The endpoint options map one to one to JSON (de)serializer options, prefixed by serialize_. For example, REST API option values maps to JSON serializer option serialize_values.

GET entity

Retrieve an entity and its tags, pairs and components.

GET entity/<path>


Option Type Description
entity_id bool Serialize numeric entity id.
doc bool Serialize flecs doc components
full_paths bool Serialize full tag/pair/component paths
inherited bool Serialize inherited components
values bool Serialize component values
builtin bool Serialize builtin components for parent & name
type_info bool Serialize type info for components
matches bool Serialize matched with queries
alerts bool Serialize active alerts for entity & children
refs entity Serialize relationship back references
try bool Don't throw HTTP error on failure (REST only)


In this example, Mass is a component with reflection data, Position is a pair component without reflection data, and (Description, Color) is a pair component with reflection data.

  • HTTP

    GET /entity/Sun/Earth

  • JavaScript

    const conn = flecs.connect("localhost");
    conn.entity("Sun.Earth", {}, (reply) => {
    // ...

  • C

    ecs_entity_t e = ecs_lookup(world, "Sun.Earth");
    char *json = ecs_entity_to_json(world, e, NULL);
    // ...
    ecs_entity_t ecs_lookup(const ecs_world_t *world, const char *path)
    Lookup an entity by it's path.

  • C++

    flecs::entity e = world.lookup("Sun::Earth");
    auto json = e.to_json();
    // ...
    flecs::entity lookup(const char *name, const char *sep="::", const char *root_sep="::", bool recursive=true) const
    Lookup entity by name.
    Definition world.hpp:90

"parent": "Sun",
"name": "Earth",
"tags": [
"components": {
"Mass": {
"value": "5.9722e24"
"Position": null,
"(flecs.doc.Description,flecs.doc.Color)": {
"value": "#6b93d6"

This example shows how type_info can be used to obtain the component schema's. If no schema is available a null placeholder is sent. Note how the member name used in the type_info object is the same as used in the components object. The example also shows the entity_id option, which adds the id member.

"parent": "Sun",
"name": "Earth",
"id": 775,
"type_info": {
"Mass": {
"value": [
"unit": "flecs.units.Mass.KiloGrams",
"symbol": "kg",
"quantity": "flecs.units.Mass"
"Position": 0,
"(flecs.doc.Description,flecs.doc.Color)": {
"value": [
"tags": [
"components": {
"Mass": {
"value": "5.9722e24"
"Position": null,
"(flecs.doc.Description,flecs.doc.Color)": {
"value": "#6b93d6"

This example demonstrates serializing inherited tags, pairs and components. Prefabs are added in the order they are encountered when traversing the IsA relationship. If multiple prefabs have the same component, the component will show up multiple times in the reply. A client must only consider the first occurrence of the component.

"parent": "Sun",
"name": "Earth",
"tags": [
"pairs": {
"flecs.core.IsA": "HabitablePlanet"
"inherited": {
"planets.HabitablePlanet": {
"tags": [
"components": {
"Mass": {
"value": "5.9722e24"

The following example shows the effect of disabling serialization of component values.

"parent": "Sun",
"name": "Earth",
"tags": [
"components": {
"Mass": null,

PUT entity

Create an entity.

PUT /entity/<path>


The following example creates entity Sun.Earth.

  • HTTP

    PUT /entity/Sun/Earth

  • JavaScript

    const conn = flecs.connect("localhost");

  • C

    ecs_entity_t e = ecs_entity(world, { .name = "Sun.Earth" });
    #define ecs_entity(world,...)
    Shorthand for creating an entity with ecs_entity_init().
    Definition flecs_c.h:235

  • C++

    flecs::entity e = world.entity("Sun.Earth");

DELETE entity

Delete an entity.

DELETE /entity/<path>


The following example deletes entity Sun.Earth.

GET component

Retrieve a single component from an entity.

GET /component/<path>?component=<component>


  • HTTP

    GET /component/Sun/Earth?component=planets.Mass

  • JavaScript

    const conn = flecs.connect("localhost");
    conn.get("Sun.Earth", {component: "planets.Mass"}, (reply) => {
    // ...

  • C

    ecs_entity_t e = ecs_lookup(world, "Sun.Earth");
    ecs_entity_t c = ecs_lookup(world, "planets.Mass");
    const void *ptr = ecs_get_id(world, e, c);
    char *json = ecs_ptr_to_json(world, c, ptr);
    // ...
    FLECS_API char * ecs_ptr_to_json(const ecs_world_t *world, ecs_entity_t type, const void *data)
    Serialize value into JSON string.
    const void * ecs_get_id(const ecs_world_t *world, ecs_entity_t entity, ecs_id_t id)
    Get an immutable pointer to a component.

  • C++

    flecs::entity e = world.lookup("Sun::Earth");
    flecs::entity c = world.lookup("planets::Mass");
    const void *ptr = e.get(c);
    auto json = world.to_json(c, ptr);
    const T * get() const
    Get component value.

{ "value": "5.9722e24" }

PUT component

Add or set a component.

PUT /component/<path>?component=<component>[&value=<value>]


The following example adds the component Position to Sun.Earth:

The following example writes the value {"x":10} to the Position component of entity Sun.Earth:

DELETE component

Remove a component from an entity.

DELETE /component/<path>?component=<component>


The following example removes the component Position from Sun.Earth:

PUT toggle

Toggle an entity or component.

PUT /toggle/<path>?enable=[true|false][&component=<component>]

When an entity is toggled, the Disabled tag is added or removed. When a component is toggled, the ecs_enable_id operation is invoked. A component toggle request will fail if the component does not have the CanToggle trait.


The following example disables entity Sun.Earth:

The following example disables component Position for entity Sun.Earth:

GET query

Retrieve matching results for a query.

GET /query/?expr=<query expression>


Option Type Description
name string Evaluate existing named query.
expr string Evaluate query expression.
entity_id bool Serialize numeric entity id.
doc bool Serialize flecs doc components
full_paths bool Serialize full tag/pair/component paths
inherited bool Serialize inherited components
values bool Serialize component values
builtin bool Serialize builtin components for parent & name
fields bool Serialize query fields
table bool Serialize table (all components for match)
result bool Serialize results (disable for metadata-only request)
type_info bool Serialize type info for components
field_info bool Serialize field info
query_info bool Serialize query info
query_plan bool Serialize query plan
query_profile bool Serialize query profiling information
try bool Don't throw HTTP error on failure (REST only)


The following example returns the results for query Position, Velocity. Note how each of the query terms results in a field in the reply. The mapping between query terms and fields is the same as in the regular flecs API.

"results": [
"parent": "Earth.shipyard",
"name": "USS Enterprise",
"fields": {
"values": [
"x": 10,
"y": 20
"x": 1,
"y": 2
"parent": "Earth.shipyard",
"name": "USS Voyager",
"fields": {
"values": [
"x": 30,
"y": 40
"x": 3,
"y": 4

The following example shows the result of setting table to true, which serializes all components (the table) of each matched entity. The format of the individually returned results is the same as the /entity endpoint.

"results": [
"parent": "Earth.shipyard",
"name": "USS Enterprise",
"tags": [
"pairs": {
"flecs.core.IsA": "Freighter"
"components": {
"Position": {
"x": 10,
"y": 20
"Velocity": {
"x": 1,
"y": 1
"parent": "Earth.shipyard",
"name": "USS Voyager",
"tags": [
"pairs": {
"IsA": "Freighter"
"components": {
"Position": {
"x": 30,
"y": 40
"Velocity": {
"x": 3,
"y": 4

The following example shows the result for query Position, ?Position(up). This shows the information that gets added to the query result to describe what the source of a field is, and whether a field is set or not.

The is_set member is only added to the result if one of the fields in the result is not set. The sources member is only added to the result if one of the fields in the result is not matched on the $this query variable.

  • HTTP

    GET /query?expr=Position%2C%3FPosition(up)

  • JavaScript

    const conn = flecs.connect("localhost");
    conn.query("Position, ?Position(up)", {}, (reply) => {
    // ...

  • C

    ecs_query_t *q = ecs_query(world, {
    .expr = "Position, ?Position(up)"
    ecs_iter_t it = ecs_query_iter(world, q);
    char *json = ecs_iter_to_json(&it, NULL);
    // ...

  • C++

    .expr("Position, ?Position(up)")
    auto json = q.iter().to_json();

"results": [
"name": "Earth.shipyard",
"fields": {
"is_set": [true, false],
"sources": [0, 0],
"values": [
"x": 100,
"y": 200
"parent": "Earth.shipyard",
"name": "USS Voyager",
"fields": {
"sources": [0, "Earth.shipyard"],
"values": [
"x": 30,
"y": 40
"x": 3,
"y": 4
"parent": "Earth.shipyard",
"name": "USS Voyager",
"fields": {
"sources": [0, "Earth.shipyard"],
"values": [
"x": 30,
"y": 40
"x": 3,
"y": 4

The following example shows the same query (Position, ?Position(up)) with fields set to false and entity_ids set to true.

  • HTTP

    GET /query?expr=Position%2C%3FPosition(up)&fields=false&entity_ids=true

  • JavaScript

    const conn = flecs.connect("localhost");
    conn.query("Position, ?Position(up)", {fields: false, entity_ids: true}, (reply) => {
    // ...

  • C

    ecs_query_t *q = ecs_query(world, {
    .expr = "Position, ?Position(up)"
    ecs_iter_t it = ecs_query_iter(world, q);
    ecs_iter_to_json_t desc = ECS_ITER_TO_JSON_INIT;
    desc.serialize_fields = true;
    desc.serialize_entity_ids = true;
    char *json = ecs_iter_to_json(&it, &desc);
    // ...

  • C++

    .expr("Position, ?Position(up)")
    ecs_iter_to_json_t desc = ECS_ITER_TO_JSON_INIT;
    desc.serialize_fields = true;
    desc.serialize_entity_ids = true;
    auto json = q.iter().to_json(&desc);

"results": [
"name": "Earth.shipyard",
"id": 700
"parent": "Earth.shipyard",
"name": "USS Voyager",
"id": 701
"parent": "Earth.shipyard",
"name": "USS Voyager",
"id": 702

The following example shows how variables are serialized with the query Position, (ChildOf, $p). The ids member is added to the serialized data, as the second term of this query has a variable (pair) id. Only fields with variable component ids are serialized to the ids array.

  • HTTP

    GET /query?expr=Position%2C(ChildOf%2C%24p)

  • JavaScript

    const conn = flecs.connect("localhost");
    conn.query("Position, (ChildOf, $p)", {}, (reply) => {
    // ...

  • C

    ecs_query_t *q = ecs_query(world, {
    .expr = "Position, (ChildOf, $p)"
    ecs_iter_t it = ecs_query_iter(world, q);
    char *json = ecs_iter_to_json(&it, NULL);
    // ...

  • C++

    .expr("Position, (ChildOf, $p)")
    auto json = q.iter().to_json();

"results": [
"parent": "Earth",
"name": "shipyard",
"vars": {
"p": "Earth"
"fields": {
"ids": [0, ["flecs.core.ChildOf", "Earth"]],
"values": [
"x": 100,
"y": 200
"parent": "Earth.shipyard",
"name": "USS Enterprise",
"vars": {
"p": "shipyard"
"fields": {
"ids": [0, ["flecs.core.ChildOf", "Earth.shipyard"]],
"values": [
"x": 10,
"y": 20
"parent": "Earth.shipyard",
"name": "USS Voyager",
"vars": {
"p": "shipyard"
"fields": {
"ids": [0, ["flecs.core.ChildOf", "Earth.shipyard"]],
"values": [
"x": 10,
"y": 20

The following example shows the result of setting query_info and field_info to true, and setting results to false. This can be used to obtain meta information about a query. query_info returns a result per term, whereas field_info returns a result per field. The query is Position, ?Mass(up).

  • HTTP

    GET /query?expr=Position%2C%3FMass(up)?query_info=true&field_info=true&results=false

  • JavaScript

    const conn = flecs.connect("localhost");
    conn.query("Position, ?Mass(up)", {
    query_info: true,
    field_info: true,
    results: false
    }, (reply) => {
    // ...

  • C

    ecs_query_t *q = ecs_query(world, {
    .expr = "Position, ?Mass(up)"
    ecs_iter_t it = ecs_query_iter(world, q);
    ecs_iter_to_json_t desc = ECS_ITER_TO_JSON_INIT;
    desc.serialize_query_info = true;
    desc.serialize_field_info = true;
    desc.serialize_results = true;
    char *json = ecs_iter_to_json(&it, &desc);
    // ...

  • C++

    .expr("Position, ?Mass(up)")
    ecs_iter_to_json_t desc = ECS_ITER_TO_JSON_INIT;
    desc.serialize_query_info = true;
    desc.serialize_field_info = true;
    desc.serialize_results = true;
    auto json = q.iter().to_json(&desc);

"field_info": [
"id": "Position",
"type": "Position",
"symbol": "Position",
"schema": {
"x": [
"y": [
"id": "Mass",
"optional": true,
"type": "Mass",
"symbol": "Mass",
"schema": {
"value": [
"query_info": {
"vars": [
"terms": [
"inout": "default",
"has_value": true,
"oper": "and",
"src": {
"var": "this"
"first": {
"entity": "Position",
"symbol": "Position",
"type": true
"flags": [
"inout": "default",
"has_value": true,
"oper": "optional",
"src": {
"var": "this"
"first": {
"entity": "Mass",
"symbol": "Mass",
"type": true
"trav": {
"entity": "flecs.core.ChildOf",
"symbol": "EcsChildOf"
"flags": [

GET world

Retrieve all serializable data in the world.

GET /world


  • HTTP

    GET /world

  • JavaScript

    const conn = flecs.connect("localhost");
    conn.world((reply) => {
    // ...

  • C

    char *json = ecs_world_to_json(NULL);
    // ...

  • C++

    auto json = world.to_json();

The output of this endpoint is equivalent to requesting the following query on the query endpoint with table=true:

!ChildOf(self|up, flecs),

This excludes modules and builtin entities from the result, effectively just returning entities that are active in a scene.

PUT script

Update code for Flecs script.

PUT /script/<path>?code=<code>

When the code failed to parse a response is sent back with the error:

"error": "58: unexpected end of script\n}\n ^"


  • HTTP

    PUT /script/main.flecs?code=SpaceShip{}

  • JavaScript

    const conn = flecs.connect("localhost");
    conn.scriptUpdate("main\\.flecs", "SpaceShip{}");

  • C

    ecs_entity_t s = ecs_lookup(world, "main\\.flecs");
    ecs_script_update(world, s, 0, "SpaceShip{}");
    FLECS_API int ecs_script_update(ecs_world_t *world, ecs_entity_t script, ecs_entity_t instance, const char *code)
    Update script with new code.

  • C++

    flecs::entity s = world.lookup("main.flecs");
    ecs_script_update(world, s, 0, "SpaceShip{}");