Flecs v4.0
A fast entity component system (ECS) for C & C++
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Here is a list of all topics with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
 CoreCore ECS functionality (entities, storage, queries)
 API definesDefines for customizing compile time features
 API typesPublic API types
 API ConstantsPublic API constants
 WorldFunctions for working with ecs_world_t
 EntitiesFunctions for working with ecs_entity_t
 ComponentsFunctions for registering and working with components
 IdsFunctions for working with ecs_id_t
 Each iterator
 ObserversFunctions for working with events and observers
 IteratorsFunctions for working with ecs_iter_t
 TablesFunctions for working with ecs_table_t
 ValuesConstruct, destruct, copy and move dynamically created values
 AddonsC APIs for addons
 AlertsCreate alerts from monitoring queries
 AppOptional addon for running the main application loop
 DocUtilities for documenting entities, components and systems
 HttpSimple HTTP server used for serving up REST API
 JsonFunctions for serializing to/from JSON
 LogLogging functions
 MetaFlecs reflection framework
 Meta UtilitiesMacro utilities to automatically insert reflection data
 MetricsCollect user-defined metrics from ECS data
 ModuleModules organize components, systems and more in reusable units of code
 PipelinePipelines order and schedule systems for execution
 RestREST API for querying and mutating entities
 Flecs scriptDSL for loading scenes, assets and configuration
 StatsCollection of statistics for world, queries, systems and pipelines
 SystemSystems are a query + function that can be ran manually or by a pipeline
 TimerRun systems at a time interval
 Units.Common unit annotations for reflection framework
 OS APIInterface for providing OS specific functionality
 Macro APIConvenience macro's for C API
 Creation macro'sConvenience macro's for creating entities, components and observers
 Type Safe APIMacro's that wrap around core functions to provide a "type safe" API in C
 Table sortingConvenience macro's for sorting tables
 MiscMisc convenience macro's
 C++ API
 CoreCore ECS functionality (entities, storage, queries)
 API Types & GlobalsTypes & constants bridged from C API
 ComponentsRegistering and working with components
 EntitiesEntity operations
 FieldsField helper types
 IteratorsIterator operations
 IdsClass for working with entity, component, tag and pair ids
 ObserversObservers let applications register callbacks for ECS events
 Pair typeCompile time utilities for working with relationship pairs
 RefsRefs are a fast mechanism for referring to a specific entity/component
 TablesTable operations
 WorldWorld operations
 AddonsC++ APIs for addons
 LoggingLogging functions
 AlertsAlert implementation
 AppOptional addon for running the main application loop
 DocUtilities for documenting entities, components and systems
 EventsAPI for emitting events
 JsonFunctions for serializing to/from JSON
 MetaFlecs reflection framework
 MetricsThe metrics module extracts metrics from components and makes them available through a unified component interface
 ModulesModules organize components, systems and more in reusable units of code
 PipelinesPipelines order and schedule systems for execution
 RestREST API for querying and mutating entities
 StatsThe stats addon tracks statistics for the world and systems
 SystemsSystems are a query + function that can be ran manually or by a pipeline
 TimerRun systems at a time interval
 UnitsCommon unit annotations for reflection framework