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Flecs v4.0
A fast entity component system (ECS) for C & C++
▼C API | |
▼Core | Core ECS functionality (entities, storage, queries) |
API defines | Defines for customizing compile time features |
►API types | Public API types |
►API Constants | Public API constants |
►World | Functions for working with ecs_world_t |
►Entities | Functions for working with ecs_entity_t |
Components | Functions for registering and working with components |
Ids | Functions for working with ecs_id_t |
Queries | |
Each iterator | |
Observers | Functions for working with events and observers |
Iterators | Functions for working with ecs_iter_t |
Tables | Functions for working with ecs_table_t |
Values | Construct, destruct, copy and move dynamically created values |
▼Addons | C APIs for addons |
Alerts | Create alerts from monitoring queries |
App | Optional addon for running the main application loop |
Doc | Utilities for documenting entities, components and systems |
Http | Simple HTTP server used for serving up REST API |
Json | Functions for serializing to/from JSON |
Log | Logging functions |
Meta | Flecs reflection framework |
Meta Utilities | Macro utilities to automatically insert reflection data |
Metrics | Collect user-defined metrics from ECS data |
Module | Modules organize components, systems and more in reusable units of code |
Pipeline | Pipelines order and schedule systems for execution |
Rest | REST API for querying and mutating entities |
Flecs script | DSL for loading scenes, assets and configuration |
Stats | Collection of statistics for world, queries, systems and pipelines |
System | Systems are a query + function that can be ran manually or by a pipeline |
Timer | Run systems at a time interval |
►Units. | Common unit annotations for reflection framework |
OS API | Interface for providing OS specific functionality |
▼Macro API | Convenience macro's for C API |
Creation macro's | Convenience macro's for creating entities, components and observers |
►Type Safe API | Macro's that wrap around core functions to provide a "type safe" API in C |
Table sorting | Convenience macro's for sorting tables |
Misc | Misc convenience macro's |
▼C++ API | |
▼Core | Core ECS functionality (entities, storage, queries) |
API Types & Globals | Types & constants bridged from C API |
Components | Registering and working with components |
Entities | Entity operations |
Fields | Field helper types |
Iterators | Iterator operations |
Ids | Class for working with entity, component, tag and pair ids |
Observers | Observers let applications register callbacks for ECS events |
Queries | |
Pair type | Compile time utilities for working with relationship pairs |
Refs | Refs are a fast mechanism for referring to a specific entity/component |
Tables | Table operations |
Types | |
World | World operations |
▼Addons | C++ APIs for addons |
Logging | Logging functions |
Alerts | Alert implementation |
App | Optional addon for running the main application loop |
Doc | Utilities for documenting entities, components and systems |
Events | API for emitting events |
Json | Functions for serializing to/from JSON |
Meta | Flecs reflection framework |
Metrics | The metrics module extracts metrics from components and makes them available through a unified component interface |
Modules | Modules organize components, systems and more in reusable units of code |
Pipelines | Pipelines order and schedule systems for execution |
Rest | REST API for querying and mutating entities |
Script | |
Stats | The stats addon tracks statistics for the world and systems |
Systems | Systems are a query + function that can be ran manually or by a pipeline |
Timer | Run systems at a time interval |
►Units | Common unit annotations for reflection framework |