Flecs v4.0
A fast entity component system (ECS) for C & C++
No Matches
File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234567]
 field.hppField implementation
 iter.hppIterator implementation
 world.hppWorld implementation
 array.hppArray class
 builder.hppBuilder base class
 enum.hppCompile time enum reflection utilities
 function_traits.hppCompile time utilities to inspect properties of functions
 iterable.hppBase class for iterable objects, like queries
 node_builder.hppBase builder class for node objects, like systems, observers
 signature.hppCompile time utilities for deriving query attributes from param pack
 string.hppString utility that doesn't implicitly allocate memory
 stringstream.hppWrapper around ecs_strbuf_t that provides a simple stringstream like API
 utils.hppFlecs STL (FTL?)
 c_types.hppAliases for types/constants from C API
 component.hppRegistering/obtaining info from components
 delegate.hppWrappers around C++ functions that provide callbacks for C APIs
 entity.hppEntity class
 entity_view.hppEntity class with only readonly operations
 field.hppWrapper classes for fields returned by flecs::iter
 flecs.hppFlecs C++11 API
 iter.hppWrapper classes for ecs_iter_t and component arrays
 lifecycle_traits.hppUtilities for discovering and registering component lifecycle hooks
 log.hppLogging functions
 pair.hppUtilities for working with compile time pairs
 ref.hppClass that caches data to speedup get operations
 table.hppDirect access to table data
 type.hppUtility functions for id vector
 world.hppWorld class
 alerts.hAlerts module
 app.hApp addon
 deprecated.hThe deprecated addon contains deprecated operations
 doc.hDoc module
 flecs_c.hExtends the core API with convenience macros for C applications
 flecs_cpp.hC++ utility functions
 http.hHTTP addon
 json.hJSON parser addon
 log.hLogging addon
 meta.hMeta addon
 meta_c.hUtility macros for populating reflection data in C
 metrics.hMetrics module
 module.hModule addon
 pipeline.hPipeline module
 rest.hREST API addon
 script.hFlecs script module
 script_math.hMath functions for flecs script
 stats.hStatistics addon
 system.hSystem module
 timer.hTimer module
 units.hUnits module
 os_api.hOperating system abstraction API
 flecs.hFlecs public API